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  1. Why do I get "Build Failed" when running my program in Netbeans
  2. why jaxb converts the elements in <choice> with one variable connected with Or?
  3. any idea?StringBuilder
  4. Troubles Capturing Output into GUI JTextArea Program Going haywire
  5. [SOLVED] Jeopardy Game Help
  6. How to read content of Word document ..?
  7. class file
  8. Sqlite not writable
  9. Please help. Whats wrong with this code
  10. Array problem
  11. Need help fixing very trivial for loop problem
  12. Help needed
  13. thread java
  14. Print to file with Java
  15. Unparseable Date
  16. Null pointer error JButton:
  17. Java array problem
  18. Dispose of containers ifs and elses using polymorphism
  20. Multi d. help request
  21. Multiplying Strings
  22. [SOLVED] Array Out Of Index Exception, Not Sure Why It's Occurring.
  23. Array problem
  24. I need help with this array problem ?
  25. [SOLVED] KeyListener is not working
  26. Bad Output
  27. How to get system time in java?
  28. How to create a sports tables java applet
  29. Java App // Audio Producer - Multiple Consumer design
  30. OOP
  31. Use 2D array to layout map with pictures
  32. Using a mutator method to set data to an array element
  33. Can somebody help me!
  34. DOM and SAX warappers in servlet - help me understand the code
  35. help
  36. [SOLVED] Help with Employee Class
  37. Java MP3 music player code HELP! DONATION offered:)
  38. Rush Hour Game
  39. Problem running of netbeans 8 with JDK 7 on window 8 64 bit
  40. [SOLVED] Broken loop - number guessing game.
  41. For loop error
  42. java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot format given Object as a Date
  43. Pong Overflow Error
  44. Java has a default constructer, so why there is a mistake at
  45. nextLine().split(",") not work correctly
  46. import class from .jar file
  47. LOOPS
  48. Beanshell on my Java Application
  49. which listener to use on video panel?
  50. [SOLVED] SWING:- GUI And Image Problems.
  51. [SOLVED] This one is really hard
  52. ColorBox or song box to put on
  53. Java Urgent help
  54. Skipping else if statement
  55. API to Invoke the TERMINAL in UBUNTU
  56. Reading data from a file and setting it to an array
  57. Throw Error - simple code.....any advice appreciated!
  58. I/O warning : failed to load external entity "wineet.xml"
  59. How to abort the connection for CTRL-C in FTP in java programming on UNIX
  60. Implementing probability in Java
  61. [SOLVED] Putting images in GUI. Images in source file dont seem to be recognised.
  62. Image input = null?
  63. How to find an embedded file type of a file using java
  64. Trying to restart a loop at a certain point
  65. need to pass objects from 3 diff methods at random to a diff class and store them in an array...
  66. rush hour puzzle - problem adding multiple vehicles
  67. Trying to figure out how to print multiple things on same page
  68. [SOLVED] SoftwareSales Program
  69. How to print?
  70. [SOLVED] Combining JMenuItem and a KeyListener
  71. Trying to Change the custom Color of a Rectangle made through DragMode and change type of Rectangle
  72. Where should I start
  73. Hi, i need help about object oriented programming
  74. [SOLVED] Issue : java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException: utf-7
  75. [SOLVED] Type mismatch: cannot convert from void to JTextField
  76. Getting id of Column values from db
  77. Splitting up array's:
  78. What's wrong in this code?
  79. JTextPane not printing components inside it
  80. Loop ending with ESC button
  81. what is a java i mean define
  82. What is wrong with my code?
  83. COM Server between javascript and java
  84. Program not recognizing string sentinel
  85. Problem with ServiceLoader
  86. Help me with my code for a project? Not sure how to fix the errors.
  87. null pointer exception, please help!
  88. Snake GUI Logic
  89. Java programming
  90. [SOLVED] Syntax Highlighting in Editor
  91. [SOLVED] how to start Fibonacci series in particluar range?
  93. Removing Line feeds or carriage returns
  94. [SOLVED] HotelOccupancy
  95. If statements-printing messages
  96. Sorting a list error
  97. how do I test my code on a tablet?
  98. errror constructor class cannot be applied to give types
  99. Problem printing onto JPanel
  100. need java code
  101. what's wrong with this code ?? HELP
  102. JDBC CONNECTION ERROR in eclipse
  103. Fill seatpanel
  104. [SOLVED] Sending two strings into a constructor:
  105. Issue : Java Mail API returning Invalid Characters in File Name
  106. Scanner problem
  107. How to create math problems by grade level. Please Help Me.
  108. Is this not how the drawImage works?
  109. [SOLVED] help with string and counts
  110. My code cannot display the Car [HELPED]
  111. Using Junit testing to test
  112. Removing from a ListView w/ PopupMenu
  113. Help with Loop and int count
  114. 3 script errors in my code
  115. [SOLVED] Slight Help with my PayRoll Program
  116. blackjack game using Java. It's for a computer programming class and were using BlueJ. Need help figuring out why it won't run correctly.
  117. Keylistener in a loop?
  118. [SOLVED] Rock Paper Scissors issue
  119. Physics between two balls, incorrect calculated angle. Help!
  120. help fix this code
  121. Assigning random int to strings
  122. Problems with driver class
  123. [SOLVED] Need help with a simple calculator (Yes I know i'm a complete and total novice)
  124. Need help with Scanner/while loops/substrings
  125. Having Trouble Linking a method from another class!
  126. stardict java library
  127. [SOLVED] Bing api sample code
  128. Map.entry
  129. Please help me in writing a Java program to find sum of numbers in a random string.(Input=abc235^%$q!12&3 output=250)
  130. Getting the file size of an email attachment
  131. Method keeps looping and timer issues.
  132. object error cannot find symbol question
  133. Need Help
  134. orbitserver
  135. Problem with running the java application
  136. whats wrong with this code please?
  137. How to make a very simple Password Strength indicator?
  138. Java Bubble Sort Issue
  139. Help with ArrayList Features
  140. Non parallel and parallel
  142. How to turn my If statement into a case/switch statement?
  143. Calculation looks like it should work, but doesn't.
  144. Java and exception handling
  145. I don't understand this. Please help...
  146. I need help with my game
  147. Help please
  148. just a simple array code. please help
  149. Error sending email using javax.mail : SMTP can only send RFC822 messages
  150. [SOLVED] Problem with my code.. when i enter zero...
  151. I dont understand this code ?
  152. Prime number problem (please help)
  153. Count out program-- How do i do this?
  154. How to insert JButton or JCheckbox in JTable
  155. Facing OutOfMemoryError Java Heap Space error
  156. Can't Enter Info from Keyboard in a Method
  157. How can I make this multithreaded?
  158. constructors
  159. Showing exception
  160. Problem With Bank + Atm Program please Help
  161. PrintStream Help!
  162. Crawler using crawler 4j
  163. How can I run two methods at the same time?
  164. Abstract class question
  165. I have a problem when creating a class
  166. How to improve this method?
  167. Java Graphics
  168. Help in netbeans
  169. help fix this code
  170. [SOLVED] Beginner question
  171. Assignment - Question attached. not sure how to add customer class
  172. I need help with an assignment. could anyone walk me through this or give me an example to help.. I have no idea what I'm doing
  173. reverse
  174. Which is the best java tutorial ?
  175. Business Card Beginner
  176. Help with processing
  177. Program works, just not how i thought/wanted it would/to work.
  178. need help with consuming key events.
  179. Error connecting to Unix and running script from Java code
  180. Paint in Thread or Runnable
  181. How to create a unmodifiable/read-only list in Java?
  182. Issue : at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInsta nce0(Native Method)
  183. How to return a string from java project into android project
  184. Help with ints
  185. Looking for Java Project Ideas
  186. IPv6 validation is failing with java.net.InetAddress
  187. Regarding Java Concurrency
  188. What's wrong with my method?
  189. [SOLVED] How to create your own packages?
  190. Cant Figure it out. Can someone help me?
  191. [SOLVED] help with profitMargin (If/else structuring)
  192. java programming
  193. HR Solution
  194. Java - eclipse (HiLo guessing game)
  195. Bank System Simulator
  196. Sorting arrays in descending order with Collections class in Java
  197. assignment brainfreeze
  198. [SOLVED] Hi Lo Dice Betting
  199. Where do I begin?
  200. unchecked or unsafe operations while compiling the program...
  201. basic question
  202. what's wrong with my code
  203. Help on Float Values
  204. Help on Decimal Values - JOptionPane
  205. IM Program Client Side Problems
  206. Bpel to java
  207. [SOLVED] help with array
  208. Can't get my program to work!! Please help!
  209. Compile error - empty string?
  210. JOptionPane new lines and new display windows?
  211. consolidate all the excel sheets in to one excel sheet
  212. error string index out of range
  213. Required Code snippet for the following question
  214. java code for Next button
  215. [SOLVED] ArrayList assistance
  216. [SOLVED] Book Club Points
  217. How to test if class/object is immutable
  218. How to copy external jars in ext folder of jre to access these at run time by applet.
  219. Write a program to convert all vowels to capital letter in a sentence?
  220. How to call a constructor in main
  221. Write a program to reverse each word in line(sentence)?
  222. ask
  223. need help with this java assignment
  224. Cant seem to get my loop to work after catching an exception.
  225. help with this question
  226. "cannot find symbol" error
  227. Print custom invoice of page size (20.5 x 14 cm) using jasper report or iText for Java
  228. [SOLVED] InputMismatchException
  229. [SOLVED] Remainder issue
  230. help please i don't understand why the count is not adding .
  231. Random generation of id
  232. [SOLVED] auto generate user id
  233. for loop with random numbers
  234. Running my Java first program
  235. Help with errors Excercise -create class program and objects.
  236. [SOLVED] Face Changer Application for school
  237. Change Font/Orientation for jTextArea print
  238. String objects
  239. display decimal numbers only
  241. [SOLVED] Im new to Java and have an error i cannot fix please help
  242. Alternating Numbers Of two sequences
  243. Java problem
  244. How to Convert following XML to ArrayList
  245. After Full Application Development How do I Make my App Publicly available ??
  246. Java database embedded exe file why not working......
  247. [SOLVED] What's wrong with the PRINTF statement ?
  248. Begginer / why is this not printing? + loop not working
  249. Puzzle Programming - HEEELP! DX
  250. jsp caculator