It's so very very close!

It's just that stupid code is assigning a Point value to two buttons that aren't in the arrayOfButtons so they're null and thus those two buttons don't work.

I don't know how to avoid the problem:

 import java.awt.*;
   import java.awt.event.*;
   import javax.swing.*;
   import javax.swing.JFrame;
   import javax.swing.JDialog;
   import javax.swing.JPanel;
   import java.awt.Graphics;
   import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
   import java.util.*;
   import java.awt.Component;
   import javax.swing.AbstractButton;
   import java.awt.Event;
   import java.awt.Point;
   import java.util.EventObject;
    public class BattleshipGUI extends JFrame 
    implements ActionListener
   { // beginning of class
    // label
      private JLabel shotsLabel, arraySize, iCoordinate, jCoordinate, xCord, yCord;
   // area where text is displayed and user would normally enter text but I have made it so the user can't alter the shot count.
      private JTextField shotsTF, arraySizeTF, xTF, yTF, times, iCoordinateTF, jCoordinateTF, xCordTF, yCordTF;
      JFrame frame;
      JButton [][] arrayOfButtons;
      char [][] charArray;
      int x, y, i, j;
   // buttons
      private JButton surrenderB, quitB;
      private static final int WIDTH = 500;
      private static final int HEIGHT = 500;
       public BattleshipGUI()
      { // beginning of constructor
         setTitle("Battleship Game");
         Container pane = getContentPane();
            	// makes Label for shots
         shotsLabel = new JLabel("Shots: ",
         arraySize= new JLabel("Array Size ",
         iCoordinate = new JLabel("X value ",
         jCoordinate = new JLabel("Y value ",
         xCord = new JLabel("X value ",
         yCord = new JLabel("Y value ",
                                   SwingConstants.RIGHT)	;							  
        // makes Text Field for shots and makes the text field non-editable
         shotsTF = new JTextField(7);      
         arraySizeTF = new JTextField(2);
         xTF = new JTextField(2);
         yTF = new JTextField(2);
         times = new JTextField(5);
         iCoordinateTF = new JTextField(2);
         jCoordinateTF = new JTextField(2);
         xCordTF = new JTextField(2);
         yCordTF = new JTextField(2);
      			// makes the buttons and sets their value initially to 0 and makes the method actionPerformed
      			// a method of the class BattleshipGUI.  I don't need individual handlers.
         surrenderB = new JButton("Surrender");
         quitB = new JButton("Quit");
      // n is the size of the grid
         int n = 0;
         String gridSizeStr, outputStr;
         boolean isInRange = false;
      // while loop and boolean allow user to keep entering int values till n is between 2 and 10.  Also, it needs to have 
      // the array of buttons  in a square shape,  and also so I can place the battleship in the array and later use actionListeners to
      // change the text to either a M, an A, or a H.  Hence why all buttons in the array have the same label to begin with.
         boolean isValid = false;
         while (isValid == false)
         { // beginning of while
            { // beginning of try
               gridSizeStr = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter the size of the grid:");
               n = Integer.parseInt(gridSizeStr);
               if (n < 2)
                  throw new MyTooSmallException();
               if (n > 10)
                  throw new MyTooBigException();
               isValid = true;
            } // end of try
                catch ( MyTooSmallException mtse)
               { // beginning of catch
                  JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Enter a value that is not less than" 
                     + " 2 and is no greater than 10. " +"\n " + mtse.toString() );
               } // end of catch
                catch ( MyTooBigException mtbe)
               { // beginning of catch
                  JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Enter a value that is not less than" 
                     + "2 and is no greater than 10. " +"\n " + mtbe.toString() );
               } // end of catch
                catch (NumberFormatException nfeRef)          
               { // beginning of catch
                     "Enter an integer.  Exception "
                     + nfeRef.toString(),
               } // end of catch
         } // end of while 
         if (n >=2 && n <= 10)
         { // beginning of if				
            charArray = new char[n][n];
            for (  int x = 0; x < charArray.length; x++)
               for (  int y = 0; y < charArray[x].length; y++)
                  charArray[x][y] = '0'; 
            arrayOfButtons = new JButton[n][n];
         /*  for ( int i = 0; i < arrayOfButtons.length; i++)
               for (  int j = 0; j < arrayOfButtons[i].length; j++)
                  arrayOfButtons[i][j] = new JButton("0");
            for (int i = 0; i < arrayOfButtons.length; i++)
               for (   int j = 0; j < arrayOfButtons[i].length; j++)
            for ( int i = 0; i < arrayOfButtons.length; i++)
               for (   int j = 0; j < arrayOfButtons[i].length; j++)
            }  */
            for (int i = 0; i < arrayOfButtons.length; i++)
               for (int j = 0; j < arrayOfButtons[i].length; j++)
                  arrayOfButtons[i][j] = new JButton("0");
                  Point loc = new Point(i, j); // save col and row
                  arrayOfButtons[i][j].putClientProperty("loc", loc);  // save location with button
            pane.setLayout(new GridLayout((n+1), (n+1)));
         	pane.add(jCoordinateTF); */
           // the char array is where the actual 1 square battleship is going to be placed.
           // it is a n by n grid and the other array needs to be too to make them parallel.  
           // A value in the arrayOfButtons[i][j] should be the same as charArray[x][y].
         } // end of if      
      // makes an n by n grid
         setSize(WIDTH, HEIGHT);
      } // end of constructor
       public static void main(String[] args)
      { // beginning of main
         BattleshipGUI refVar = new BattleshipGUI();
      } // end of main
   	// this method handles the buttons.  
       public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
      { // beginning of method
         String outputStr2, outputStr3, outputStr4, outputStr5, outputStr6;
         String outputStrM, outputStrA, outputStrAA;
         outputStrM = "Miss";
         outputStrA = "Already shot there";
         outputStrAA = "I told you that you already shot there";
         outputStr2 = "Are you sure you want to quit? ";
         outputStr3 = "You Quit.";
         outputStr4 = "Ok don't quit then." ;
         outputStr5 = "Thought not.";
         outputStr6 = "You surrendered.";
         int times2 = Integer.parseInt(times.getText());
         System.out.println("xTF: " + xTF.getText());
         System.out.println("yTF: " + yTF.getText());
         int a = Integer.parseInt(xTF.getText());
         int b = Integer.parseInt(yTF.getText());
         System.out.println("a: " + a);
         System.out.println("b: " + b);
			 int iVar4 = Integer.parseInt(xCordTF.getText());
			 int jVar4 = Integer.parseInt(yCordTF.getText());
			 System.out.println(iVar4 + "," + jVar4);
         placeBattleship(charArray, times2, a, b, iVar4, jVar4); 
         int i, j, x,y;
         x = 0;
         i = 0;
         y = 0;
         j = 0;
      /*	for (int r = 0; r < arrayOfButtons.length; r++)
      	for (int c = 0; c < arrayOfButtons[r].length; c++)
      	if (arrayOfButtons[r][c].isSelected())
      	i = r;
      	j = c;
      	} */
         int shots =  Integer.parseInt(shotsTF.getText());
		   JButton jb = (JButton) e.getSource();
         Point loc = (Point)jb.getClientProperty("loc");  // retrieve buttons location 
         double t = loc.getX();
         Double variable1;
         variable1 = t;
         int 	iVar = variable1.intValue();
         Integer anotherVariable;
         anotherVariable = iVar;
         int iVar2 = Integer.parseInt(iCoordinateTF.getText());
         double u = loc.getY();
         Double variable2;
         variable2 = u;
         int jVar = variable2.intValue();
         Integer anotherVariable2;
         anotherVariable2 = jVar;
         int jVar2 = Integer.parseInt(jCoordinateTF.getText());
      //   int iVar = Integer.parseInt(iCoordinateTF.getText());
      //	int jVar = Integer.parseInt(jCoordinateTF.getText());
         // System.out.println("loc.getLocation(): " + loc.getLocation());
         Integer tries;
         Integer tries2;
         Integer tries3;
         Integer tries4;
         Integer tries5;
         tries = shots;
         tries2 = shots;
         tries3 = shots;
         tries4 = shots;
         tries5 = shots;
         if (e.getActionCommand().equals("Quit"))
         { // beginning of if
            Object[] options = {"Yes",
                    "Continue Playing"};
            int n = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(frame,
               "Are you sure you want to Quit?",
               null,        options,     options[0]); 
         // creates Yes and Continue playing butons buttons.
         		// if Yee button is clicked, sends output "You quit." as heading and sends a message "Adiós!" and exits when 
         		// user clicks OK on dialog box
            if (n == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) 
            { // beginning of if
               JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Adiós!", outputStr3,  JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE);
            } // end of if
            // changes the string the standard dialog box for the No button but still uses its predefined return value.  If user clicks on 
            // Continue Playing, sends title "Ok don't quit then." and the message "Whatever." and takes the user back to the grid.
            else if (n == JOptionPane.NO_OPTION)
            { // beginning of else if
               JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Whatever.",  outputStr4,  JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE);
            } // end of else if
         } // end of if
         else if (e.getActionCommand().equals("Surrender"))
         { // beginning of else if
            Object[] options2 = {"Yes",
                    "No, I have not yet begun to fight!"};
            int p = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(frame,
               "Are you sure you want to Surrender?",
               null,        options2,   options2[0]); 
         // creates Yes and No, I have not yet begun to fight! butons .
         		// if Yes button is clicked, sends output "You surrendered." as heading and sends a message "It took you [number of shots]
         		// shots!" and exits when user clicks OK on dialog box
            if (p == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) 
            { // beginning of if
            // code for showing grid
               JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "You took "  + shotsTF.getText() + " shots" , outputStr6, JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
            } // end of if
            // changes the string the standard dialog box for the No button but still uses its predefined return value.  If user clicks on 
            // "No button", sends output "Thought not." and the title "You didn't surrender." and takes the user back to the grid.
            else if (p == JOptionPane.NO_OPTION)
            { // beginning of else if
               JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, outputStr5, "You didn't surrender." , JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE);
            } // end of else if
         } // end of else if
         else if (e.getActionCommand().equals("0"))
         { // beginning of else if
            if (  Fire(charArray, x, y, iVar2, jVar2) == 'H')
            { // beginning of if
               String outputStr7;
               arrayOfButtons[iVar2][jVar2].setText("H");  // changes text on button to H
               shots = shots + 1;
               tries = new Integer(shots);
               outputStr7 = "You sank my battleship. " + "\n" + "You sank my battleship in " + shotsTF.getText() + " tries";
               JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, outputStr7 , "You win!", +  JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
            }// end of if
            { // beginning of else
               JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, outputStrM , "You missed!", +  JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
               arrayOfButtons[iVar2][jVar2].setText("M"); // changes text on button to M
               shots = shots + 1;
               tries2 = new Integer(shots);
            } // end of else
         } // end of else if 
               // does this if text on button hit is M.
         else if (e.getActionCommand().equals("M"))
         { // beginning of else if
            shots = shots + 1;
            tries3 = new Integer(shots);
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, outputStrA , "Still a miss!", +  JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
            arrayOfButtons[iVar2][jVar2].setText("A"); // changes text on button to A
         } // end of else if
               // does this if text on button hit is A
         else if (e.getActionCommand().equals("A"))
         { // beginning of else if
            shots = shots + 1;
            tries4 = new Integer(shots);
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, outputStrAA , "Still a miss!", +  JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
            arrayOfButtons[iVar2][jVar2].setText("A"); // changes text, sorta, on button to A
         } // end of else if
      } // end of method
      // the method placeBattleship, places the battleship by randomly choosing a
   // row and column coordinate and storing a 'B' there.  The 'B' is not displayed to 
   // the user unless the user hits the surrender button.  It takes the array as a parameter and 
   // should return nothing.  This method sets the location of the battleship.
       private  void placeBattleship(char charArray[][], int times2, int a, int b, int iVar4, int jVar4)
      { // beginning of method placeBattleship
         int valueOne, valueTwo;
         char B;
         if (times2 == 0)
            valueOne= (int) ( 1 + (Math.random() * charArray.length -1)); 
            valueTwo = (int) ( 1 + (Math.random() * charArray.length -1 ));
            charArray[valueOne][valueTwo] = 'B';
            Point battleshipLoc = new Point(valueOne,valueTwo);
            double penguin = battleshipLoc.getX();
            Double variable3;
            variable3= penguin;
            int 	iVar3 = variable3.intValue();
            Integer anotherVariable3;
            anotherVariable3 = iVar3;
				double wenguin = battleshipLoc.getY();
				Double variable4;
				variable4 = wenguin;
				int jVar3 = variable4.intValue();
				Integer anotherVariable4;
				anotherVariable4 = jVar3;
            Integer stupidInt;
            stupidInt = valueOne;
            Integer stupidInt2;
            stupidInt2 = valueTwo;
           //  times2 = times2 + 1;
            Integer storeDatVariable;
				times2 = times2 + 1;
            storeDatVariable = times2;
            charArray[iVar4][jVar4] = 'B';
      } //end of method placeBattleship
       public static char Fire(char charArray[][], int x, int y, int iVar2, int jVar2)
      { // beginning of method Fire
         char A;
         char M;
         char H;
         if (charArray[iVar2][jVar2] == 'B')  // if battleship is hit return H and end game
         { // beginning of if statement
            charArray[iVar2][jVar2] = 'H';
            return ('H');
         } // end of if statement
         else if (charArray[iVar2][jVar2] == 'M')  // this is else if 
                                          // because it could also 
                                          // be just a miss.
         { // beginning of else if statement
            charArray[iVar2][jVar2] = 'A';
            return ('A');
         } // end of else if statement
         else if (charArray[iVar2][jVar2] == 'A') // makes sure it won't set an A to an M again.
         { // beginning of else if  
            charArray[iVar2][jVar2] = 'A';
            return ('A');
         } // end of else if
         { // beginning of else statement
            charArray[iVar2][jVar2] = 'M'; 
            return ('M');                                          
         } // end of else statement
      } // end of method fire
   } // end of program