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Thread: Help with high school java problem

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Help with high school java problem

    Hi! I have to create a program where the user enters a certain amount of money and the program will tell them how many of each bill (5, 10, 20, 100) and coins (loonie, toonie, nickles, dimes, quarters) the amount they entered consists of, USING THE LEAST AMOUNT OF BILLS AND COINS. I have created a code already but for some reason it wont output the correct numbers!

    I am a beginner and need a bit of guidance and need to know why my code isnt working.

    Thanks for the help!

    import java.io.*;
    public class ReviewProblem1
    public static void main (String [] args) throws IOException
    BufferedReader myInput = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (System.in));//BufferedReader reads input
    double c = 0;
    double f = 0;
    double i = 0;
    double l = 0;
    double o = 0;
    double r = 0;
    double u = 0;
    double x = 0;
    double intc = 0;
    System.out.println("Please enter your input amount:");//asks user to enter input amount
    String input = myInput.readLine();//assigns users input to inputA
    double amount = Double.parseDouble (input);//converts inputA into double
    if (amount == 100)
    System.out.println ("1 100 dollar bill");
    if (amount < 100)
    if (amount < 100 && amount >= 50)
    double inta = amount / 50;
    double intb = Math.floor(inta);
    System.out.println (intb + " 50 dollar bills");
    intc = amount - 50;
    else if (intc >= 20 && intc < 50)
    double a = intc / 20;
    double b = Math.floor(a);
    System.out.println ( b + " 20 dollar bills");
    c = intc - (b*20);
    else if (c >= 10 && c <20)
    double d = c / 10;
    double e = Math.floor(d);
    System.out.println (e + " 10 dollar bills");
    f = c - (e*10);
    else if (f >= 5 && f < 10)
    double g = f / 5;
    double h = Math.floor(g);
    System.out.println (h + " 5 dollar bills");
    i = f - (h*5);
    else if (i >= 2 && i<5)
    double j = i / 2;
    double k = Math.floor(j);
    System.out.println (k + " toonies");
    l = i - (k*2);
    else if (l >= 1 && l< 2)
    double m = l / 1;
    double n = Math.floor(m);
    System.out.println (n + " loonies");
    o = l - (n*1);
    else if (o >= 0.25 && o < 1)
    double p = o / 0.25;
    double q = Math.floor(p);
    System.out.println (q + " quarters");
    r = o - (q*0.25);
    else if (r >= 0.10 && r < 0.25)
    double s = r / 0.10;
    double t = Math.floor(s);
    System.out.println (t + " dimes");
    u = r - (t*0.10);
    else if (u >= 0.05 && u < 0.10);
    double v = u / 0.05;
    double w = Math.floor(v);
    System.out.println ( w + " nickles");
    x = u - (w*0.05);
    if (x >= 0.01 && x < 0.05)
    double y = x / 0.01;
    double z = Math.floor(y);
    System.out.println (z + " pennies");

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Help with high school java problem

    I got a little lost following the code structure. For example what happens if someone types 28.50? intc is initialized at the start of your code but if it doesn't go through the first code block (100 > value > 50) intc is never modified unless I am missing something.

    A few things to help you out a bit. You may want to look a modulus, name your variables in a more descriptive manner, and indentation of code blocks. Take a look at your if/else if statements. Also is there a need for all those variables because you will use them in the future or can you get away with a single variable that can be modified as you go.

  3. #3
    Super Moderator jps's Avatar
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    Default Re: Help with high school java problem

    Quote Originally Posted by maddiexc View Post
    I am a beginner and need a bit of guidance and need to know why my code isnt working.
    What makes you say the code "isnt working"? Does it compile? Is there an error? Does it give any output?
    Explain what it does that you think it should not do, or what it you want it to do that it does not do.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Help with high school java problem

    Before writing the code, first come up with an algorithm. Take same sample inputs such as 30, 52.76, etc and check if your algorithm works.
    Once algorithm is fine then do the coding.
    You have ERRORS in the algorithm itself you currently used.


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