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Thread: Business logic class.

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Business logic class.


    For a school project I'm supposed to create a calculator in java swing. The calculator itself is complete and was created using Netbeans. I used the drag and drop method then applying code for simplicities sake.
    However, one requirement has me confused. It states:

    A class that allows a business logic-class to be called
    Before today I didn't have the faintest clue of what a business logic class is. Various articles and links tell me different things, but none can provide a conclusive answer. My teacher describes it as being "the class that does all of the work on the front end", while various links tell me it's something with a database, or looks like a UML. I was simply wondering if anyone could show me in practical form what a business logic-class is, how to call it from another class, and how to implement it into my application. I'm not asking you to ''do my homework'', but provide a practical example. I'm competent enough to figure out where to go after the example has been provided (I hope).

    Kind regards,

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Business logic class.

    Is this the Java EE and Jsp? Running it on a container like the apache tomcat 8.5, for whatever purpose used for, would serve that purpose. Though the apache tomcat would require more peripherals to start. I think this would suit its own objectives, including math calculations.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Business logic class.

    "Business Logic" is a generic term in the industry that usually refers to the rules that customers want a program to follow, based on their business model and how they need to do things. More generally, it can just mean the "core logic" of a program. So based on that, I would assume the business logic in a calculator would be the part that does the actual add/subtract/multiply/divide, separate from the GUI which simply collects data from the user, sends it to the business logic layer, and the displays the results. But I don't understand what is meant by "the class that does all of the work on the front end". The teacher seems to be referring to the GUI with that answer, not the core/business logic. It seems to me you'd be well justified in asking for more clarification from the teacher, not so much Google.

  4. #4
    Junior Member Unikkanto's Avatar
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    Default Re: Business logic class.

    The business logic class is the brain of your application. It's where all the calculations and complex algorithms happen. Think of it as the boss that tells other classes what to do. To call it from another type, you create an instance of the business logic class and use its methods. As far as implementing it in your application, you need to ensure that all the other types know who's in charge here. It's like hiring business appraisal services to ensure your company runs smoothly. They give you the valuable information you need to make good decisions. The same goes for the business logic class. I hope this helps, and good luck with your project!

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