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Thread: Cannot Find Symbol Compiling Error

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Cannot Find Symbol Compiling Error

    So I am making a bill class, which will (hopefully) work with a Money and Date class.
    So far (I only tested a little code so far) two of my method are getting a Cannot find symbol error. I have only seen this error one other time and I cannot remember how I solved it. The two lines with the obnoxious amount of stars are the placed where the code appears.

     * Kristen Watson
     * CSS162A: Homework 3 
     * Description:
    public class Bill{
        Money amount;
        Date dueDate;
        Date paidDate;
        String originator;
        public Bill(Money amount, Date dueDate, String originator){
            amount = (setAmount);                                               ************************setAmount
            duedate = (setDate);
            originator = (setOriginator);
        public Bill(Bill toCopy){
        public Money getAmount(){
            return amount;
        public Date getDueDate(){
            return dueDate;
        public String getOriginator(){
            return originator; 
        public boolean isPaid(){
            if(!datePaid == null){               *****************datePaid
                return true;
        public void setPaid(Date onDay){
           if(dueDate > paidDate){
               System.out.println("The due date has passed");
               paidDate = onDay;
        public void setUnpaid(){
            datePaid = null;
        public void setDueDate(Date nextDate){
            dueDate = nextDate;
        public void setAmount(Money amountGiven){
            if(amountGiven > 0){    //how else should i be protecting this?
                amount = amountGiven;
        public void setOriginator(String originatorGiven){
            originator = originatorGiven;
        public String toString(){
            if(datePaid == null){
                return originator + "owes" + amount + "by the due date" + dueDate;
                return originator + "paid" + amount + "by the due date" + dueDate
                       + "it was paid on" + datePaid;
        public boolean equals(Bill toCompare){

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Cannot Find Symbol Compiling Error

    getting a Cannot find symbol error
    That means the compiler can not find the definition for a class, variable or method.

    Copy the full text of the error messages and paste it here.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Cannot Find Symbol Compiling Error

    #1: cannot find symbol - variable setAmount
    #2: cannot find symbol - variable datePaid

  4. #4
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Cannot Find Symbol Compiling Error

    #1: cannot find symbol - variable setAmount
    #2: cannot find symbol - variable datePaid
    All variables used in a program must be defined.
    Either add definitions for the variables that need to be defined,
    or change the code so it does not use undefined variables.
    For example: Check the spelling.
    Make sure the definition is in scope (within same {}s) with where the variable is being referenced.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  5. The Following User Says Thank You to Norm For This Useful Post:

    Kristenw17 (April 22nd, 2013)

  6. #5
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    Default Re: Cannot Find Symbol Compiling Error

    Thank you very much. I was able to find my error.

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