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Thread: Creating new instance

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Creating new instance

    Hello JPF. I am currently working on a program that builds an expression tree. I am provided with class BinaryTree and I am having trouble constructing a new node.

    1) This works:
    BinaryTree<String> newTree = new BinaryTree<String>(nextToken,null,null);

    2) This doesn't work:
    BinaryTree<String> newTree = new Node(nextToken);

    I'm trying to get number 2 to work. Can someone please help me out and explain why it doesn't work?

    This is the BinaryTree class:
    import java.io.*;
    /** Class for a binary tree that stores type E objects.
    *   @author Koffman and Wolfgang
    * */
    public class BinaryTree < E > implements Serializable 
      /** Class to encapsulate a tree node. */
      protected static class Node < E >
          implements Serializable {
        // Data Fields
        /** The information stored in this node. */
        protected E data;
        /** Reference to the left child. */
        protected Node < E > left;
        /** Reference to the right child. */
        protected Node < E > right;
        // Constructors
        /** Construct a node with given data and no children.
            @param data The data to store in this node
        public Node(E data) 
          this.data = data;
          left = null;
          right = null;
        // Methods
        /** Return a string representation of the node.
            @return A string representation of the data fields
        public String toString() {
          return data.toString();
      // Data Field
      /** The root of the binary tree */
      protected Node < E > root;
      public BinaryTree() {
        root = null;
      protected BinaryTree(Node < E > root) {
        this.root = root;
      /** Constructs a new binary tree with data in its root,leftTree
          as its left subtree and rightTree as its right subtree.
      public BinaryTree(E data, BinaryTree < E > leftTree,
                        BinaryTree < E > rightTree) {
        root = new Node < E > (data);
        if (leftTree != null) {
          root.left = leftTree.root;
        else {
          root.left = null;
        if (rightTree != null) {
          root.right = rightTree.root;
        else {
          root.right = null;
      /** Return the left subtree.
          @return The left subtree or null if either the root or
          the left subtree is null
      public BinaryTree < E > getLeftSubtree() {
        if (root != null && root.left != null) {
          return new BinaryTree < E > (root.left);
        else {
          return null;
      /** Return the right sub-tree
            @return the right sub-tree or
            null if either the root or the
            right subtree is null.
        public BinaryTree<E> getRightSubtree() {
            if (root != null && root.right != null) {
                return new BinaryTree<E>(root.right);
            } else {
                return null;
    /**** EXERCISE ****/
      /** Determine whether this tree is a leaf.
          @return true if the root has no children
      public boolean isLeaf() {
        return (root.left == null && root.right == null);
      public String toString() {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        preOrderTraverse(root, 1, sb);
        return sb.toString();
      /** Perform a preorder traversal.
          @param node The local root
          @param depth The depth
          @param sb The string buffer to save the output
      private void preOrderTraverse(Node < E > node, int depth,
                                    StringBuilder sb) {
        for (int i = 1; i < depth; i++) {
          sb.append("  ");
        if (node == null) {
        else {
          preOrderTraverse(node.left, depth + 1, sb);
          preOrderTraverse(node.right, depth + 1, sb);
      /** Method to read a binary tree.
          pre: The input consists of a preorder traversal
               of the binary tree. The line "null" indicates a null tree.
          @param bR The input file
          @return The binary tree
          @throws IOException If there is an input error
      public static BinaryTree < String >
          readBinaryTree(BufferedReader bR) throws IOException {
        // Read a line and trim leading and trailing spaces.
        String data = bR.readLine().trim();
        if (data.equals("null")) {
          return null;
        else {
          BinaryTree < String > leftTree = readBinaryTree(bR);
          BinaryTree < String > rightTree = readBinaryTree(bR);
          return new BinaryTree < String > (data, leftTree, rightTree);

  2. #2
    Super Moderator helloworld922's Avatar
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    Are you trying to call the second constructor from an external class? Cause that constructor was declared protected. Other than that, there's not much difference as far as I can tell. If you want to make it easier to maintain, make that method like this:

    public BinaryTree(Node<E> root)

  3. The Following User Says Thank You to helloworld922 For This Useful Post:

    vluong (November 28th, 2009)

  4. #3
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    Default Re: Creating new instance

    I'll give that a try!

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