I current have an app which runs on a server and connector to the database (using localhost, JDBC and Mysql driver)
I need to run a class on a separate server that will populate a table with all the file on the server
both computers are networked and iv tried the following -
//using IP address conn = DriverManager.getConnection(jdbc:mysql://" + database, user, password); //using 2nd IP address (2nd network card) conn = DriverManager.getConnection(jdbc:mysql://" + database, user, password); //using Host name of the server where the database lives conn = DriverManager.getConnection(jdbc:mysql://server/" + database, user, password);
Any more ideas. otherwise im going to have to ssh into each server using Jsch (ext lib)
and run a command to get all the files, store them into an array, return it, and then format it and store it to the database
Thanks for your help