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Thread: Java password encryption

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Java password encryption

    So i have made an application which connects/logs into the root of the mysql server then loads the different databases/tables etc. But as it works, the user puts the username/password into the textfield, then it takes the user/pass and sends to the server to login.

                 String url = addressTextField.getText();//"jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mysql";
                 String userName = connInstance.getLoginDetails(loginTextField);
                 String passWord = connInstance.getLoginDetails(passWordTextField);
                 con = DriverManager.getConnection(url,userName, passWord);
                 stmt = con.createStatement();

    The getLoginDetails() method just grabs the input from the textfields. Now it all works fine, though i am wondering about what encryption should be used for the password and how i would go about it?
    I could have a database with all usernames/MD5 digests, then when the user tries to log in, it creates an MD5 digest of the password and compares to the one in the database to see if its the correct password, though i am unsure as to how i would then login to the server as even though it has been confirmed that its the right password, the password itself still has to be sent to login. Im kind of new to this and not sure how i go about secure logins. Any help would be appreciated,

  2. #2
    Administrator copeg's Avatar
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    Default Re: Java password encryption

    It sounds like you want each user to have a specified username/password for the database? You might consider a model which requires just a few username/password pairs for database access, each of which defines different select/update/delete access to the database tables. So rather than having a username/password defined for database login for each user, you define access right groups, which users are members of. From there, you could have a table which contains the username, MD5 password, and access right...which can be queried for each user to determine the access rights and login to the database with the username/password corresponding to those rights.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Java password encryption

    Quote Originally Posted by copeg View Post
    It sounds like you want each user to have a specified username/password for the database? You might consider a model which requires just a few username/password pairs for database access, each of which defines different select/update/delete access to the database tables. So rather than having a username/password defined for database login for each user, you define access right groups, which users are members of. From there, you could have a table which contains the username, MD5 password, and access right...which can be queried for each user to determine the access rights and login to the database with the username/password corresponding to those rights.
    Ill explain a bit better. I have the mysql community server vs 5.1.51 running on my desktop pc at home. If im at university or somewhere else other than home i want this program to be able to connect to it, which it can. I log in as the root user as im the only one so i have all permissions etc. I just want to no how to 'securely' login i guess.

         String url = addressTextField.getText();
         String userName = getLoginDetails(loginTextField);//gets username
         String passWord = getLoginDetails(passWordTextField);//gets pass
         con = DriverManager.getConnection(url,userName, passWord);
         stmt = con.createStatement();
         conInfoTextArea.setText("URL: " + url + "\n" + "Connection: " + con);
    public String getLoginDetails(JTextField tf)
            return logindets = tf.getText();//string that holds login dets which is user/pass
    Now that code there is just sending the username, and password to the url, which is the mysql server. How can i do this safely with encryption or some other method? or is that fine and secure as it is?
    Last edited by jmorr212; January 29th, 2011 at 02:54 AM.

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