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Thread: The actually used java web applications to day?

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Question The actually used java web applications to day?

    Hey guys, i'm begginer with Java EE 7. My question is, which resources are used today to develop web apps? Thanks!
    PD:I only used servlets in my web apps.

  2. #2
    Member Helium c2's Avatar
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    Default Re: The actually used java web applications to day?

    How far did you get? After you read the read.me text and the other text and documentation. And where did you start from?

    --- Update ---

    I'm still reading mines. I will have to build it from another computer pc desktop. The use of the SDK edition to make the Apache Tomcat. That's where I'm starting off. I'm making a forum so that I get other clients. But I must do it from another computer. Servlets, JavaSockets, and other class files to do it on. Which will be some time from now. All the files must be uploaded and implemented via windows dos prompt commands. So still reading on that now.

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