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Thread: bound must be positive

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Aug 2020
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    Default bound must be positive


    I'm tyring to code a minecraft server plugin and want to spawn a player randomly on pre defined locations writen in a config file. So far so good, because it works when a player wants to join the mini game I made by simply right clicking on a special sign. When there is no spawn defined in the config file yet, the console shows the error: bound must be positive. Which is right because there is no number (spawn) saved in the config. But when a players dies I use the same method but the console says: bound must be postive. Which it is! There is a spawn defined in the config and it says 1, counting up.

    Now to the code:

    public Location getRandomSpawn() {
      		if (!arenas.contains("Arenas." + getName() + ".Spawns.Counter")) {
      			return null;
      		else {
      			Random rand = new Random();
      			int other = this.arenas.getInt("Arenas." + getName() + ".Spawns.Counter") - 1;
      			int num = rand.nextInt(other) + 1;
      			Location loc = getSpawn(num);
      			return loc;

    I use this to get the x,y,z and direktion of looking with this:

    public Location getSpawn(int id) {
      		if (!arenas.contains("Arenas." + getName() + ".Spawns.Counter")) {
      			return null;
      		else {
      			Location loc = new Location(Bukkit.getWorld(this.arenas.getString("Arenas." + getName() + ".Spawns." + id + ".World")), this.arenas.getDouble("Arenas." + getName() + ".Spawns." + id + ".X"), 
                            this.arenas.getDouble("Arenas." + getName() + ".Spawns." + id + ".Y"), this.arenas.getDouble("Arenas." + getName() + ".Spawns." + id + ".Z"));
      			loc.setPitch((float)this.arenas.getDouble("Arenas." + getName() + ".Spawns." + id + ".Pitch"));
      			loc.setYaw((float)this.arenas.getDouble("Arenas." + getName() + ".Spawns." + id + ".Yaw"));
      			return loc;

    I call getRandomSpawn() in all cases. And yes I know that if there is no spawn wrtitten in the config it just returns null, i have to change that in the future but for now I want to know what's going on....

    Now the code where I use getRandomSpawn().


    	public void onSignInteract(PlayerInteractEvent e) {
        Player player = e.getPlayer();
        	if ((e.getAction() == Action.RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK) && e.hasBlock() && e.getClickedBlock().getState() instanceof Sign) {
        		Sign sign = (Sign)e.getClickedBlock().getState();
        		if (sign.getLine(0).equalsIgnoreCase("[" + ChatColor.GOLD + "CrackShot" + ChatColor.BLACK + "]")) {
        			for (Iterator<?> iterator = Arenas.getArenas().iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) {
        				Arena arena = (Arena)iterator.next();
        				if (sign.getLine(1).equalsIgnoreCase(ChatColor.BOLD + arena.getName())) {
        					if (!arena.hasPlayer(player)) {
        						if (Methods.getLobby() != null) {
        							if (arena.getPlayers().size() < arena.getMaxPlayers()) {
        								if (!arena.isOn()) {
        									Arenas.addArena(player, arena);
        									Main.sendMessage(player, "You joined the Arena: " + ChatColor.GOLD + arena.getName());
        									arena.sendAll(ChatColor.GRAY + "[" + ChatColor.GOLD + "CrackShot" + ChatColor.GRAY + "] " + ChatColor.GOLD + player.getName().toString() + ChatColor.GRAY + " has joined the Arena!");
        								Main.sendMessage(player, "Arena is disabled!");
        							Main.sendMessage(player, "Arena is full!");
        						Main.sendMessage(player, "No spawn set!");
        					Main.sendMessage(player, "You are already in the Arena!");

    Please ignore all the rest because important is only "player.teleport(arena.getRandomSpawn());"


      	public void playerRespawnTeleport(PlayerRespawnEvent e) {
      		Player player = e.getPlayer();

    My impression of the situation is that "teleport()" and "setRespawnLoaction()" maybe work differently? But I just can be stupid and don't see the mistake.

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: bound must be positive

    the console says: bound must be postive.
    Have you printed out all the values of the bounds to see where the problem is?
    Are there any values that are not positive? Is 0 considered not positive?
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

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