Partition the array using the first element as the pivot, and 0 as the first position, and the length - 1 as the last position. Have you to use this algorithm:

public class partition {
    static int partition(int[] a, int first, int last) {
        // pre condition :
        assert(a != null);
        assert(0 <= full && first < last && last < a.length);
        int x = a[first];
        int h = first;
        for (int k = first +1; k <= last; k++) {
             * Invariant: the element from position first+1 to k are
             * smaller than x, and the elements from h+1 to k-1 are
             * bigger than or equal to x.
            if(a[k] <x) {
                h = h +1;
        swap(a, first, h);
         * Post-condition:
         * The elements of a from first to h-1 are smaller than a[h] and
         * the elements of a from h+1 to last are bigger than or equal to a[h]
        return h;

62 68 19 48 23 53 51 30 97 61 86 95 5 41 29 9 93 83 30