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Thread: Which is difficult to learn Java or C++

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Which is difficult to learn Java or C++

    I would rate myself as a beginner/intermediate who tries to learn VB.NET programming- very good at scripting with VBScript. So I haven't really touched on either Java or C++ or any hardcore programming since I personally consider VB.NET cheating as you're really just drawing and filling in the gaps with code you can search for online!!!!

    I wanted to explore more the other aspect of real programming because it always catch my interest. But could someone recommend to me one or the other ? my destination platform would be both Linux and Windows. Your comments and Ideas will be a great help for me since I am assisting a friend in developing programs and software about this Point of Sale System .Please give me some feedback. thank you

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Which is difficult to learn Java or C++

    There are no real objective arguments, this is pretty much a question of persona preference.
    Regardless, I would personally recommend Java over C++ for a beginner. It has stronger restrictions and thus its harder to make mistakes in my opinion.

    --- Update ---

    There are no real objective arguments, this is pretty much a question of persona preference.
    Regardless, I would personally recommend Java over C++ for a beginner. It has stronger restrictions and thus its harder to make mistakes in my opinion.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Which is difficult to learn Java or C++

    Thread moved.

  4. #4
    Member Ada Lovelace's Avatar
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    Default Re: Which is difficult to learn Java or C++

    Quote Originally Posted by jennie01 View Post
    I would rate myself as a beginner/intermediate who tries to learn VB.NET programming- very good at scripting with VBScript. So I haven't really touched on either Java or C++ or any hardcore programming since I personally consider VB.NET cheating as you're really just drawing and filling in the gaps with code you can search for online!!!!

    I wanted to explore more the other aspect of real programming because it always catch my interest. But could someone recommend to me one or the other ? my destination platform would be both Linux and Windows. Your comments and Ideas will be a great help for me since I am assisting a friend in developing programs and software about this Point of Sale System .Please give me some feedback. thank you
    C++ is a multi-panagram language, Java is fully OOP. If you have had experience with .NET languages,(VB) it will put you in good stead for
    learning another language. C++ and Java, were both written in C, so they both have roots and similarities with each other. However, one of the
    big differences is that Java is a Managed language, I.E it has a manual memory managed via a garbage collector. There are no pointers,
    (well in a sense there are - but you never have to deal with them) so this makes it easier to learn Java and IMHO it's a more "forgiving" language
    than C++ - in the fact it does not allow references passing at all (apart from arrays) - which is debatable as Java passes everything by value,

    Before I ramble off the subject - I would say C++ is more difficult than Java overall. You have to manually handle memory allocation,
    deal with memory leaks and other bugs associated with it - it is almost a H U G E language, and very complex. If you master Java,
    you will certainly have a good platform for C++.

    Wishes Ada xx
    If to Err is human - then programmers are most human of us all.
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  5. #5
    Crazy Cat Lady KevinWorkman's Avatar
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    Default Re: Which is difficult to learn Java or C++

    Like others have said, this is entirely subjective. It's like asking "which tool is harder to learn, the hammer or the saw?" The answer is that it depends on *you* more than anything else.

    That being said, I would recommend checking out Processing: Processing.org

    It's built on top of Java but is designed for beginners. It's pretty amazing what you can have running in just a few lines of code.

    Shameless self-promotion: the link in my signature to Static Void Games contains tutorials and open-source programs that take you from Processing, through Java, and into more complicated engines like libGDX.
    Useful links: How to Ask Questions the Smart Way | Use Code Tags | Java Tutorials
    Static Void Games - Play indie games, learn from game tutorials and source code, upload your own games!

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Which is difficult to learn Java or C++

    C++ is a lot harder to learn than Java for me.
    Last edited by copeg; June 4th, 2014 at 12:57 PM. Reason: Removed link added after post

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