Hi - I need assistance with the below code. 2 issues - 1) Although i assign a value in the Class main i am not getting the desired result. 2) I do not get an error in IntelliJ but get a message stating 'Result of SpeedCoverter.toMilesPerHour' is ignored, i do not understand what it means and why is it being ignored and how the handover of values is happening across the Methods.

public class SpeedConverter {
public static void main(String[] args) {


public static long toMilesPerHour(double kilometersPerHour) {

if (kilometersPerHour < 0) {
return -1;
else {
double milesPerHour = Math.round (kilometersPerHour * 0.6215);
return (long) kilometersPerHour;

public static void printConversion(double kilometersPerHour) {

if (kilometersPerHour < 0) {
System.out.println("Invalid Value");
} else {
System.out.println(kilometersPerHour + " km/h" + " = " + toMilesPerHour(kilometersPerHour) + " mi/h");