I am having issues with creating class for my home work.

The project: Designing and implementing a class called dog that contains instance datat that represents the dogs name and age. i have to define the dog constructor to accept and initialize instance data. include getter and setter methods for the name and age. include a metod to compute and return the age of the dog in person years. include a tostring method that returns a oneline description of the dog. crate a driver class call kennel, whose main method instantiates and updates several dog objects.

So first is my dog class it is complies just fine

//  Dog.java       Author: Anastacia Williams
//  Get and set doog name and age
//	  ______________________________
//           	  name of class
//                    Dog
//        ______________________________
//            list of class variables
//                  Age      int
//					petAge   int
//					Value    int
//        ______________________________
//            list of class methods
//                -int
//				  -String Dog
//				  +Dog
//				  +getName
//				  +setName
//				  +getAge
//				  +setAge
//				  +HumanYear
//				  +String toString
//        ______________________________
public class Dog
   	private int Age ;  //age of animal
	private String Name;  // name
	private int HumanAge; //human age
   //  Constructor: vallue
   public Dog(String petname, int petAge, int Agetime7)
       Name = petname;
       Age = petAge;
       HumanAge = Agetime7;
   //  Set name
   public void setName(String petname)
  	      Name = petname;
   //  get name
   public String getName()
		      return Name;
   //  set age
   public void setAge(int petAge)
  		      int Age = petAge;
   //  Get age
   public int getAge()
  		      return Age;
   //  Humna years. formula age times 7
   public void setHumanAge(int Agetime7)
			int HumanAge = Agetime7;
	public int getHumanAge()
	  		      return HumanAge;
   //  Returns a string representation to dog name an age
   public String toString()
  		return "Name of dog: " + Name + "Age of dog: " + Age + "Human age: " + HumanAge;

This is my kennel
//  Kennel.java       Author: Anastacia Williams
//  Get and set doog name and age
//	  ______________________________
//           	  name of class
//        ______________________________
//            list of class variables
//                  None
//        ______________________________
//            list of class methods
//                +main
//        ______________________________
public class Kennel
   //  Generate aniaml name and age.
  public static void main (String[] args)
  		Dog dog1 = new Dog ("willy", 9, 63);
      System.out.println ( "First Dog " dog1.toString);

the errors i encounter with kennel are:
E:\New Folder\Kennel.java:32: error: ')' expected
System.out.println ( "First Dog " dog1.toString);
E:\New Folder\Kennel.java:32: error: illegal start of expression
System.out.println ( "First Dog " dog1.toString);
E:\New Folder\Kennel.java:32: error: ';' expected
System.out.println ( "First Dog " dog1.toString);
3 errors

Tool completed with exit code 1

Please help me