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Thread: MouseListener doesn't work and It blocks KeyListener

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2019
    Thanked 0 Times in 0 Posts

    Default MouseListener doesn't work and It blocks KeyListener

    Hi all, i am having problems handling MouseListener and KeyListener.

    I will show you the main class that create a JFrame and draw some geometric things in 2D. I have implemented Key inputs to change the things drawn and it works well. Now I want to implement Mouse inputs to add more functionality but it doesn`t work and it blocks my keyListener. I mean, if I click on the JFrame, nothing happens and then I cant use keys.

    public class Test extends Frame implements GLEventListener, MouseListener,KeyListener{
        static int A = 0;
        static int B = 1;
        static int C = 2;
        static int D = 3;
        static int HEIGHT = 800;
        static int WIDTH = 800;
        static int POINT_CLOUD_VERT = 30;
        static GL gl; // interface to OpenGL
        static GLCanvas canvas; // drawable in a frame
        static GLCapabilities capabilities;
        static boolean visualizeAxis = true;
        static int exercise = A;
        static Animator animator;
        // Geometric data in memory
        // Exercise A 
        Point p1;
        DrawPoint dp1;
        PointCloud pc;
        DrawPointCloud dc;
        SegmentLine s1;
        DrawSegment ds1;
        RayLine r1;
        DrawRay dr1;
        Line l1;
        DrawLine dl1;
        Vector v1;
        DrawVector dv1;
        Polygon pol;
        DrawPolygon dpol;
        Circle cir;
        DrawCircle dcir; 
        //Exercise B
        Point p2;
        DrawPoint dp2;
        SegmentLine s2;
        DrawSegment ds2;
        Line l2;
        DrawLine dl2;
        RayLine r2;
        DrawRay dr2;
        Circle cir2;
        DrawCircle dcir2;
        Circle cir3;
        DrawCircle dcir3;
        Circle cir4;
        DrawCircle dcir4;
        TDelaunay td;
        DrawTDelaunay dtd;
        TDelaunay td2;
        DrawTDelaunay dtd2;
        PointCloud pcTD;
        DrawPointCloud dpcTD;
        PointCloud pcTD2;
        DrawPointCloud dpcTD2;
        PointCloud pcTD2P;
        List<Point> puntosNube = new ArrayList<Point>(50);
        public Test(String title) {
            // 1. specify a drawable: canvas
            capabilities = new GLCapabilities();
            canvas = new GLCanvas();
            // 2. listen to the events related to canvas: reshape
            // 3. add the canvas to fill the Frame container
            add(canvas, BorderLayout.CENTER);
            // 4. interface to OpenGL functions
            gl = canvas.getGL();
            addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
                public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
    //				animator.stop(); // stop animation
        protected void initExerciseA() throws Exception {
            RandomGen random = RandomGen.getInst();
            pc = new PointCloud(POINT_CLOUD_VERT);
            //pc = new PointCloud("nube17.txt");
            dc = new DrawPointCloud(pc);
            //Draw a point
            p1 = new Point(4,3);
            dp1 = new DrawPoint(p1);
            //Segments with 2 random points
            s1 = new SegmentLine(pc.getPoint(random.nextUInt() % POINT_CLOUD_VERT), pc.getPoint(random.nextUInt() % POINT_CLOUD_VERT));
            ds1 = new DrawSegment(s1);
            //Ray with random points
            r1 = new RayLine(pc.getPoint(random.nextUInt() % POINT_CLOUD_VERT), pc.getPoint(random.nextUInt() % POINT_CLOUD_VERT));
            dr1 = new DrawRay(r1);
            //Liney with random points
            l1 = new Line(pc.getPoint(random.nextUInt() % POINT_CLOUD_VERT), pc.getPoint(random.nextUInt() % POINT_CLOUD_VERT));
            dl1 = new DrawLine(l1);
            // Polygon
            //Polygon poligono = new Polygon("./prueba.txt");
            ArrayList< Point> coord = new ArrayList< Point>();
            GeomMethods.get4Corners(coord, pc);
            Polygon pol = GeomMethods.create4Polygon(coord.get(0), coord.get(1), coord.get(2), coord.get(3));
            dpol = new DrawPolygon(pol);
            //Circle located at the most central point
            Point center = pc.centralPoint();
            Point pr = pc.getPoint(random.nextUInt() % POINT_CLOUD_VERT);
            double radio = center.distance(pr);
            cir = new Circle(center, radio);
            dcir = new DrawCircle(cir);
        protected void drawExerciseA() {
            dc.drawObjectC(gl, 1.0f,1.0f,0.0f);
            dp1.drawObjectC(gl, 0.3f, 0.0f, 0.8f);
            ds1.drawObjectC(gl, 0.5f, 0.2f, 0.3f);
            //ds1.drawObjectC(gl, 1.0f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
            dr1.drawObjectC(gl, 0.2f, 0.82f, 0.3f);
            dl1.drawObjectC(gl, 0.1f, 0.44f, 0.7f);
            dpol.drawObjectC(gl, 0.9f, 0.3f, 0.1f);
            //dc.drawObjectC(gl, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.5f);
            dcir.drawObjectC(gl, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.5f);
        protected void initExerciseB() {
            l2 = new Line(new Point(-60,60), new Point(60,60));
            dl2 = new DrawLine(l2);
            r2 = new RayLine(new Point(-55,-10),new Point(25,30));
            dr2 = new DrawRay(r2);
            cir2 = new Circle(new Point(0,0),25.0f);
            dcir2 = new DrawCircle(cir2);
            cir3 = new Circle(new Point(0,-40),25);
            dcir3 = new DrawCircle(cir3);
            cir4 = new Circle(new Point(35,-40),10);
            dcir4 = new DrawCircle(cir4);
            s2 = new SegmentLine(new Point(25,40),new Point(25,-35));
            ds2 = new DrawSegment(s2);
            p2 = new Point(-40,40);
            dp2 = new DrawPoint(p2);
            System.out.println("La distancia entre el punto P("+p2.getX()+","+p2.getY()+") y la recta A es: "+l2.distPointLine(new Vector(p2)));
            System.out.println("La distancia entre el punto P("+p2.getX()+","+p2.getY()+") y el rayo B es: "+r2.distPointRay(new Vector(p2)));
            System.out.println("La distancia entre el punto P("+p2.getX()+","+p2.getY()+") y el circulo C es: "+p2.distance(cir2.getCenter()));
            Vector intersecta = new Vector();
            Vector intersecta2 = new Vector();
            if(l2.intersecta(r2, intersecta)){
                System.out.println("La recta A intersecta con el rayo B en el punto "+intersecta.getX()+","+intersecta.getY());
                System.out.println("La recta A NO intersecta con el rayo B");
            if(l2.intersecta(s2, intersecta)){
                System.out.println("La recta A intersecta con el segmento D en el punto "+intersecta.getX()+","+intersecta.getY());
                System.out.println("La recta A NO intersecta con el segmento D");
            if(r2.intersecta(s2, intersecta)){
                System.out.println("El rayo B intersecta con el segmento D en el punto "+intersecta.getX()+","+intersecta.getY());
                System.out.println("El rayo B NO intersecta con el segmento D");
            Circle.RelationCircleLine relacion = cir2.intersects(l2, intersecta, intersecta2);
                System.out.println("El circulo C intersecta con la recta A en los puntos "+intersecta.getX()+","+intersecta.getY()+
                        " y "+intersecta2.getX()+","+intersecta2.getY());
                System.out.println("El circulo C es tangente con la recta A en el punto "+intersecta.getX()+","+intersecta.getY());
            if(relacion == Circle.RelationCircleLine.NO_INTERSECTS){
                System.out.println("El circulo C NO intersecta con la recta A");
            relacion = cir2.intersects(r2, intersecta, intersecta2);
                System.out.println("El circulo C intersecta con el rayo B en los puntos "+intersecta.getX()+","+intersecta.getY()+
                        " y "+intersecta2.getX()+","+intersecta2.getY());
                System.out.println("El circulo C es tangente con el rayo B en el punto "+intersecta.getX()+","+intersecta.getY());
            if(relacion == Circle.RelationCircleLine.NO_INTERSECTS){
                System.out.println("El circulo C NO intersecta con el rayo B");
            relacion = cir2.intersects(s2, intersecta, intersecta2);
                System.out.println("El circulo C intersecta con el segmento D en los puntos "+intersecta.getX()+","+intersecta.getY()+
                        " y "+intersecta2.getX()+","+intersecta2.getY());
                System.out.println("El circulo C es tangente con el segmento D en el punto "+intersecta.getX()+","+intersecta.getY());
            if(relacion == Circle.RelationCircleLine.NO_INTERSECTS){
                System.out.println("El circulo C NO intersecta con el segmento D");
            System.out.println("Los circulos 1 y 2 son: "+ cir2.circleRelation(cir3));
            System.out.println("Los circulos 2 y 3 son: "+cir3.circleRelation(cir4));
        protected void drawExerciseB() {
            dp2.drawObjectC(gl, 0.3f, 0.0f, 0.8f);
            ds2.drawObjectC(gl, 0.5f, 0.2f, 0.3f);
            dr2.drawObjectC(gl, 0.2f, 0.82f, 0.3f);
            dl2.drawObjectC(gl, 0.1f, 0.44f, 0.7f);
            dcir2.drawObjectC(gl, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.5f);
            dcir3.drawObjectC(gl, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.5f);
            dcir4.drawObjectC(gl, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.5f);
        protected void initExerciseTDelanuay()
            pcTD = new PointCloud(100);
            td = new TDelaunay(pcTD);
            dtd = new DrawTDelaunay(td);
            dpcTD = new DrawPointCloud(pcTD);
        protected void initExerciseTDelanuay2()
            pcTD2 = new PointCloud(50);
            pcTD2P = new PointCloud(pcTD2);
            dpcTD2 = new DrawPointCloud(pcTD2P);
            int pos1 = Math.abs(RandomGen.getInst().nextInt())%pcTD2.size();
            int pos2 = Math.abs(RandomGen.getInst().nextInt())%pcTD2.size();
            int pos3 = Math.abs(RandomGen.getInst().nextInt())%pcTD2.size();
            Point p1 = puntosNube.remove(0);
            Point p2 = puntosNube.remove(0);
            Point p3 = puntosNube.remove(0);
            td2 = new TDelaunay(p1,p2,p3);
            dtd2 = new DrawTDelaunay(td2);
        protected void drawTDelanuay()
            dtd.drawObjectC(gl, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            dpcTD.drawObjectC(gl, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
        protected void drawTDelanuay2() throws InterruptedException
            dpcTD2.drawObjectC(gl, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
            dtd2.drawObjectC(gl, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            if (pcTD2.size() != 0)
                int posRandom = Math.abs(RandomGen.getInst().nextInt()) % pcTD2.size();
        // called once for OpenGL initialization
        public void init(GLAutoDrawable drawable) {
            animator = new Animator(canvas);
            animator.start(); // start animator thread
            // display OpenGL and graphics system information
            System.out.println("INIT GL IS: " + gl.getClass().getName());
            System.err.println("GL_VENDOR: " + gl.glGetString(GL.GL_VENDOR));
            System.err.println("GL_RENDERER: " + gl.glGetString(GL.GL_RENDERER));
            System.err.println("GL_VERSION: " + gl.glGetString(GL.GL_VERSION));
            RandomGen random = RandomGen.getInst();
            System.err.println("SEED: " + random.getSeed());
            try {
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                System.out.println("Error en el dibujado");
        public void reshape(GLAutoDrawable drawable, int x, int y, int width,
                int height) {
            Draw.WIDTH = WIDTH = width; // new width and height saved
            Draw.HEIGH = HEIGHT = height;
            //DEEP = deep;
            if (Draw.HEIGH < Draw.WIDTH) {
                Draw.WIDTH = Draw.HEIGH;
            if (Draw.HEIGH > Draw.WIDTH) {
                Draw.HEIGH = Draw.WIDTH;
            // 7. specify the drawing area (frame) coordinates
            gl.glOrtho(0, width, 0, height, -100, 100);
            if (HEIGHT < WIDTH) {
                gl.glTranslatef((WIDTH - HEIGHT) / 2, 0, 0);
            if (HEIGHT > WIDTH) {
                gl.glTranslatef(0, (HEIGHT - WIDTH) / 2, 0);
        // called for OpenGL rendering every reshape
        public void display(GLAutoDrawable drawable) {
            // limpiar la pantalla
            gl.glClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            /* El color de limpiado ser� cero */
            if (visualizeAxis) {
                DrawAxis ejes = new DrawAxis();
            if (exercise == A) {
            if (exercise == B) {
            if(exercise == C)
            if(exercise == D)
                } catch (InterruptedException ex)
        // called if display mode or device are changed
        public void displayChanged(GLAutoDrawable drawable, boolean modeChanged,
                boolean deviceChanged) {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            Draw.HEIGH = HEIGHT;
            Draw.WIDTH = WIDTH;
            Test frame = new Test("Prac1. Algoritmos Geometricos");
            frame.setSize(WIDTH, HEIGHT);
        public void encontrarConvexo(Polygon pol)
            boolean encontrado = false;
            int cont = 0;
            Point p = pc.getPoint(cont);
            int i = 0;
            int j = 1;
                if(p.classify(pol.getVertexAt(i), pol.getVertexAt(j)) == PointClassification.RIGHT)
                    encontrado = true;
                    pol.add(p, j);
                    if(cont == POINT_CLOUD_VERT)
                        i = j;
                        j = (j+1)%pol.vertexSize();
                        cont = 0;
                       p = pc.getPoint(cont);   
            for(int w = 0; w < pol.vertexSize(); w++)
                pol.set(pol.getVertexAt(w), w);
        public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e)
        public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e)
           System.out.println("Pulsado el boton del raton: "+e.getButton());
        public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e)
        public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e)
        public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e)
        public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e)
        public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e)
            switch (e.getKeyChar()) {
                        case 'E':
                        case 'e':
                            visualizeAxis = !visualizeAxis;
                        case 'a':
                        case 'A':
                            exercise = A;
                        case 'b':
                        case 'B':
                            exercise = B;
                        case 'c':
                        case 'C':
                            exercise = C;
                        case 'd':
                        case 'D':
                            exercise = D;
                        case 27: // esc
        public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2018
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    Thanked 38 Times in 36 Posts

    Default Re: MouseListener doesn't work and It blocks KeyListener

    I don't see anything that you're doing wrong. And I don't have OpenGL so I can't run your program. If you provide me a location for the version of the OpenGL I can see how it performs. Also include the imports in your program. In the meantime, you can shorten your a little code by doing the following:

    Instead of this.

    public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e)
        public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e)
           System.out.println("Pulsado el boton del raton: "+e.getButton());
        public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e)
        public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e)
        public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e)
        public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e)

    Create a private inner class for your main program.

        private class MyMouseListener extends MouseAdapter {
              public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e)
           System.out.println("Pulsado el boton del raton: "+e.getButton());

    The MouseAdapter class has all the empty methods declared so you don't have too. It also includes empty methods
    for MoustMotionListener.

    Make the following changes.

    addMouseListener(new MyMouseListener());

    Normally it is considered best practice to use an instance of JFrame and not extend it. But my main question is why are you using Frame instead of JFrame?


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