Hi... I will post my code and errors... I have tried fixing them and then something else is wrong... There are four parts as we are working on arrays...Thank you

 ----jGRASP exec: javac -g StudentBody2.java
StudentBody2.java:12: error: cannot find symbol
 Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
  symbol:   class Scanner
  location: class StudentBody2
StudentBody2.java:12: error: cannot find symbol
 Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
  symbol:   class Scanner
  location: class StudentBody2
StudentBody2.java:54: error: no suitable constructor found for Student(String,String,Address,Address,Course[])
Student s = new Student(fname,lname,jHome,school,carray);
    constructor Student.Student(String,String,Address,Address,int,int,int) is not applicable
      (actual and formal argument lists differ in length)
    constructor Student.Student(String,String,Address,Address) is not applicable
      (actual and formal argument lists differ in length)
StudentBody2.java:69: error: firstName has private access in Student
StudentBody2.java:69: error: lastName has private access in Student
5 errors

class Address2
 private String streetAddress, city, state;
 private long zipCode;
// Constructor: Sets up this address with the specified data
public Address2 (String street, String town, String st, long zip)
 streetAddress = street;
 city = town;
 state = st;
 zipCode = zip;
 // Returns a desciption of this address object
public String toString()
 String result;
result = streetAddress + " \n";
 result += city + ", " + state + " " + zipCode;
return result;

// Constructor: Sets up this student with the specified values
public Student2 (String first, String last, Address home, Address school,Course[] schedule)
 firstName = first;
 lastName = last;
 homeAddress = home;
 schoolAddress = school;
 this.schedule = schedule;
// Returs a string description of this student object
public String toString()
 String result;
 result = firstName + " " + lastName + "\n";
 result+= "Home Address: \n" + homeAddress + "\n";
 result += "School Address: \n" + schoolAddress +"\n";
 result+="Course Details : \n";
String temp = "";
 for(Course c : schedule)
 temp+="Term : "+c.term+" Course Number : "+c.courseNumber+" Location : "+c.location+" Instructor Name :"+c.instructor;

public class StudentBody2 
 // Creates some Address and Student objects and prints them
public static void main (String[] args)
 Address school = new Address("800 Lancaster Ave." , "Villanova","PA" , 19085);
 Address jHome = new Address("21 Jump Street", "Lynchburg","VA", 24551);
 Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
 System.out.print("Enter how many Students ? ");
 int size = sc.nextInt();
 Student array[] = new Student[size];
 int i = 0, j = 0;
while(i < array.length)
 System.out.println("Enter "+(i+1)+" Student details");
 System.out.print("Enter Student First name : ");
 String fname = sc.next();
 System.out.print("Enter Student Last name : ");
 String lname = sc.next();
// adding up to 6 courses to student using random
int random = 1 + (int)(Math.random() * 6);
Course carray[] = new Course[random];
 System.out.println("Enter "+random+" courses");
while(j < carray.length)
 System.out.print("Enter Course Term name : ");
 String team = sc.next();
 System.out.print("Enter course Number : ");
 String courseNo = sc.next();
 System.out.print("Enter Location name : ");
 String location = sc.next();
 System.out.print("Enter instructor First name : ");
 String insFname = sc.next();
 System.out.print("Enter instructor Last name : ");
 String insLname = sc.next();
String instructorName = insLname+","+insFname;
Course c = new Course(team,courseNo,location,instructorName);
 carray[j] = c;
Student s = new Student(fname,lname,jHome,school,carray);
 array[i] = s;
 System.out.println("Student Details : "+s);
j = 0;
System.out.println("Total Number of Students : "+array.length);
 System.out.println("Total Number of Courses : "+Course.count);
 System.out.println("INDEX"+"\t"+"Student Name");
 int index = 0;
for(Student student : array)

class Course
static int count;
 String term,courseNumber,location,instructor;
public Course(String term, String courseNumber, String location, String instructor) 
 this.term = term;
 this.courseNumber = courseNumber;
 this.location = location;
 public String getCourseNumber() {
 return courseNumber;
public void setCourseNumber(String courseNumber) {
 this.courseNumber = courseNumber;
public String getInstructor() {
 return instructor;
public void setInstructor(String instructor) {
   this.instructor = instructor;
public String getLocation() {
 return location;
public void setLocation(String location) {
 this.location = location;
public String getTerm() {
 return term;
public void setTerm(String term) {
 this.term = term;
public String toString()
 return term+"\t"+courseNumber+"\t"+location+"\t"+instructor;