Just wondering if anyone can help me, i currently have a translater set up to just check an array for a character and swap the input word into the corresponding index of the other language array. I need to use resource bundles to convert from irish to english and vice versa, i have the resource bundles set up for the interface (button txts etc) but im not to sure how to do it for the words... here is my code in 2 parts for the attempted translation... Thanks in advance

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
if(e.getSource()== translateBtn)
if (input.getText().length() > 0)
if (comboBox.getSelectedIndex() == 1)
try {
Assignment2Logic.irishWordExist(input.getText().tr im());
catch (WordDoesntExistException e1)

public static void irishWordExist(String input) throws WordDoesntExistException
boolean error = false;
for (int x=0; x<irishWords.length; x++)
if (input.equalsIgnoreCase(irishWords[x]))
if (error == false)
throw new WordDoesntExistException("This Word Is Not In The Dictionary");

I must use resource bundles instead of matching using arrays... Any help greatly appreciated
