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Thread: I do not understand how multi-thread part of program works

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Question I do not understand how multi-thread part of program works

    I am working on this project in my java text book and I am unable to figure out how the multi thread part of the program works. The program that I am working on is a traffic light simulation program. I have a little understanding how multi thread works. I am particularly baffled about the waitForChange() method. I just cant figure out how it knows that the simulated light has changed. I understand that the method is syncronized so, when the wait() method is called, it waits until it is notified to start again. I understand how it works a little bit but, not enough to do the exercise in my text book. could someone please help me?


    // An improved version of the traffic light simulation that 
    // stores the light delay in TrafficLightColor. 
    // An enumeration of the colors of a traffic light. 
    enum TrafficLightColor {  
      RED(12000), GREEN(10000), YELLOW(2000); 
      private int delay; 
      TrafficLightColor(int d) { 
        delay = d; 
      int getDelay() { return delay; } 
    // A computerized traffic light. 
    class TrafficLightSimulator implements Runnable { 
      private Thread thrd; // holds the thread that runs the simulation 
      private TrafficLightColor tlc; // holds the current traffic light color 
      boolean stop = false; // set to true to stop the simulation 
      boolean changed = false; // true when the light has changed
      TrafficLightSimulator(TrafficLightColor init) {  
        tlc = init; 
        thrd = new Thread(this); 
      TrafficLightSimulator() {  
        tlc = TrafficLightColor.RED; 
        thrd = new Thread(this); 
      // Start up the light. 
      public void run() { 
        while(!stop) { 
          // Notice how this code has been simplified! 
          try { 
          } catch(InterruptedException exc) { 
      // Change color. 
      synchronized void changeColor() { 
        switch(tlc) { 
          case RED: 
            tlc = TrafficLightColor.GREEN; 
          case YELLOW: 
            tlc = TrafficLightColor.RED; 
          case GREEN: 
           tlc = TrafficLightColor.YELLOW; 
        changed = true; 
        notify(); // signal that the light has changed 
      // Wait until a light change occurs. 
      synchronized void waitForChange() { 
        try { 
            wait(); // wait for light to change 
          changed = false;
        } catch(InterruptedException exc) { 
      // Return current color. 
      synchronized TrafficLightColor getColor() { 
        return tlc; 
      // Stop the traffic light. 
      synchronized void cancel() { 
        stop = true; 
    class TrafficLightDemo {  
      public static void main(String args[]) {  
        TrafficLightSimulator tl =
          new TrafficLightSimulator(TrafficLightColor.GREEN); 
        for(int i=0; i < 9; i++) { 

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: I do not understand how multi-thread part of program works

    Try debugging the code by adding println statements that print messages as the code is executed so you can see when and where events happen.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Red face Re: I do not understand how multi-thread part of program works

    Quote Originally Posted by Norm View Post
    Try debugging the code by adding println statements that print messages as the code is executed so you can see when and where events happen.
    Thanks for your reply.


  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    Post Re: I do not understand how multi-thread part of program works

    Hello, It's the same problem I'm facing, and thanks for sharing this question.

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