
Type: Posts; User: copeg

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  1. Re: HELP! Cant pass my input values to the paint component

    Write something out and see. Use a loop, prompt the user, then set the value...if/when you have a problem post the code, error messages, misbehavior, etc...
  2. Re: HELP! Cant pass my input values to the paint component

    Provide setters to the values of the component you wish to paint (no need to make it static unless it needs to be). For example:

    public void MyComponent extends JPanel{
    private int myValue =...
  3. Re: HELP! Cant pass my input values to the paint component

    We are not a 24/7 service and there are others who have their own questions that contributors must address as well, so please be patient.

    Based upon the title, you don't pass values to...
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