
Type: Posts; User: mindmaster

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  1. Re: HELP! Cant pass my input values to the paint component

    Doing something wrong

    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
  2. Re: HELP! Cant pass my input values to the paint component

    yes that works ,but "myvalue" is only what you set it to. How do you get myvalue to be whatever the user inputs? Like if it was in a loop and said enter length of one side of square:, whatever was...
  3. Re: HELP! Cant pass my input values to the paint component

    I read it and was able to add a "public static int" with a value, to the class the paint component is in and pass the variable to the paint component in same class, but I still can't get the input...
  4. Re: HELP! Cant pass my input values to the paint component

    Seriously, no one has any ideas? Does anyone even know if its possible?
  5. HELP! Cant pass my input values to the paint component

    I am trying to write a program that accepts user input to draw shapes. Like It would ask what shape do you want , if it was square it would calculate perimeter and give to you along with a pop up...
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