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Thread: Help with my loop

  1. #1
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    Default Help with my loop

    Hi I am currenlty taking my first Java class and I am having a little trouble. My current assignment involves modifying my payroll program application so it continues to request employee information until the user enters stop as the employee name. I think I am on the right track but I am confused how to get the loop I have to prompt for a name each time as well as the payrate and hours worked. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    // Payroll1.java
    // Payroll1 that displays calculates weekly pay for an employee
    import java.util.Scanner; // program uses class Scanner
    public class Payroll1
       // main method begins execution of Java application
       public static void main( String args[] )
          // create Scanner to obtain input from command window
          Scanner input = new Scanner( System.in );
          String name; // employees name
          int payrate; // employees hourly rate
          int hours; // hours employee worked for the week
          int product; // product of payrate and hours
          System.out.print( "Enter Employee's name: , enter stop to end." ); // prompt
          name = input.nextLine(); // read name from user
          while ( name != ("stop") )
             System.out.print( "Enter payrate: " ); // prompt
             payrate = input.nextInt(); // read hourly rate from user
             while ( payrate <= 0 )
                System.out.print( "Payrate must be a positive number, try again: $" );
                payrate = input.nextInt();
             System.out.print( "Enter hours worked: " ); // prompt
             hours = input.nextInt(); // read hours worked from user
             while ( hours <= 0 )
                System.out.print( "Hours must be a positive number, try again: " );
                hours = input.nextInt();
             product = payrate * hours; // multiply payrate times hours worked
             System.out.printf( "Employee Name: %s, Weekly pay is $%d%n", name, product );
          } // end while
       } // end method main
    } // end class Payroll1

  2. #2
    mmm.. coffee JavaPF's Avatar
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    Default Re: Help with my loop

    Hello Xrrak,

    Welcome to the Java Programming Forums.

    Here is a quick code snippet for you which may help:

    import java.util.*;
    public class Test {
        public static void main(String args[]) {
            Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
            System.out.println("Enter your name: ");
            while (sc.hasNext()) {
                String name = sc.next();
                if (name.equals("stop")) {
                System.out.println("Hello " + name);
                System.out.println("Enter your name: ");
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  3. #3
    mmm.. coffee JavaPF's Avatar
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    Default Re: Help with my loop

    I have modified your original code using the example I gave above. You can see the changes in bold.

    This should solve your problem

    package test;
    //Payroll1 that displays calculates weekly pay for an employee
    import java.util.Scanner; // program uses class Scanner
    public class Payroll1
    // main method begins execution of Java application
    public static void main( String args[] )
       // create Scanner to obtain input from command window
       Scanner input = new Scanner( System.in );
       String name; // employees name
       int payrate; // employees hourly rate
       int hours; // hours employee worked for the week
       int product; // product of payrate and hours
       System.out.print( "Enter Employee's name: , enter stop to end." ); // prompt
       [B]while (input.hasNext())[/B]
          name = input.next(); // read name from user
          [B]if (name.equals("stop")) {
          System.out.print( "Enter payrate: " ); // prompt
          payrate = input.nextInt(); // read hourly rate from user
          while ( payrate <= 0 )
             System.out.print( "Payrate must be a positive number, try again: $" );
             payrate = input.nextInt();
          System.out.print( "Enter hours worked: " ); // prompt
          hours = input.nextInt(); // read hours worked from user
          while ( hours <= 0 )
             System.out.print( "Hours must be a positive number, try again: " );
             hours = input.nextInt();
          product = payrate * hours; // multiply payrate times hours worked
          System.out.printf( "Employee Name: %s, Weekly pay is $%d%n", name, product );
          [B]System.out.print( "Enter Employee's name: , enter stop to end." ); // prompt[/B]
       } // end while
    } // end method main
    } // end class Payroll1
    Please use [highlight=Java] code [/highlight] tags when posting your code.
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