Hi Friends,

I have two webservices (developed in java) hosted in a Weblogic server (name it A), clients connect through apache webserver (name it B)
Its SSL enabled.

https webserver1.com/ws/MessageService?wsdl

https webserver1.com/ws/SMSService?wsdl

Java client (name it C) invokes Webservice1 and another client (name it D) invokes Webservice2

Webservice1 works fine for C but Webservice 2 fails due to SSL issue for client D

Seems guys did certificate renewal activity in both client side and server side, still investigations going on..

I am seeing apache in access_log as follows

Client C "GET /ws/MessageService?wsdl HTTP/1.1" 200 2537
Client C "POST /ws/MessageService HTTP/1.1" 200 2537
Client D "GET /ws/SMSService?wsdl HTTP/1.1" 200 2537
Client C "GET /ws/MessageService?wsdl HTTP/1.1" 200 2538
Client C "POST /ws/MessageService HTTP/1.1" 200 2538
Client C "GET /ws/MessageService?wsdl HTTP/1.1" 200 2539
Client C "POST /ws/MessageService HTTP/1.1" 200 2539
Client D "GET /ws/SMSService?wsdl HTTP/1.1" 200 2539

I am able to see GET & POST pair for webservice-1 but seeing only GET (of wsdl) for Webservice-2
I don't see any errors in Apache error_log and Application server logs.

I am confused
"If its SSL handshake problem why I am seeing HTTP response 200 for "ws/SMSService?wsdl" in apache access_log

Can anyone please clarify? Thanks in advance
