Hello, I'm sorta new to Java and I am having issues -understanding- the assignment.
I'm not asking for any codes, just hoping I could get some clarification on some of the requirements.

The assignment is...

Finding the largest object:
Write a method that returns the largest objects in an array of objects. The method
Signature is:
public static Object max( Comparable[] a)
All objects are instance of the Comparable interface. The order of objects in array is determined using compareTo method.
Write a test program( Deriver) that creates array of ten Strings, MRects and Dates, and find the largest String, MRect and Date in the array.

So, my question is, would it be suitable to make a class named "Object" and create the method "public static Object max( Comparable[] a)" in the class?
Or is there already an Object class that I have yet to hear about?

For the method, I am confuse as to why I am suppose to pass a Comparable[] as one of the arguments. Would someone be able to clarify that?

PS: Not sure if I posted this in the right section. My apologies in advance.