Here's some code I use for testing OP's code where it uses JOptionPane dialog prompts to enter data.
The retVals[] array needs to be filled with the answers for the prompts.
   //  Following class for testing
   static class JOptionPane {
      static String[] retVals = {"cat","felix", "5", "3"};  //  the responses to be returned by showInput
      static int idx = 0;  // index to above
      static public String showInputDialog(Object obj, String msg) {
         return showInputDialog(msg);
      static public String showInputDialog(Object obj, String msg, String t, int i) {
         return showInputDialog(msg);
      static public String showInputDialog(String msg) {
         System.out.println(msg + " >Return val="+retVals[idx]);
         return retVals[idx++];
      static public void showMessageDialog(Object obj1, String msg) {
      static public void showMessageDialog(Object obj1, Object obj2, String msg, int type) {
      static int INFORMATION_MESSAGE = 1;
      static int QUESTION_MESSAGE = 2;
      static int ERROR_MESSAGE = 3;
   }   //  end JOptionPane class for testing