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Thread: What do I need to know to program this in Android?

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default What do I need to know to program this in Android?

    (I'm sorry if this is not the right section for this thread)

    Hello everyone,
    My backround in java is:

    Basic arithmetic, variables and string manipulation
    exception handling

    I want to develop a fun android game app, like megapolis(city building app, nice graphics, cool design options...)

    I am fully aware that my background in java is still relatively poor for a grand project like this, and that I should get familliar with more java libraries such us
    the .NET etc...

    my question is:

    what should one know in order to develop a game app like Farmville for example?

    what java topics I should cover?
    What design programs one can use when creating objects and animations for a game app?
    How does it all come together - I mean - say I am making a game and I create a class Citizen, and in my mind there is a picture of a citizen in my city building app that behaves in a certian way. Let's say that I also managed to create all the animations needed for a citizen.

    How do java and, say, 3ds max meet? How do I assign java code into objects I created with an animation / graphic program?

    I wish to develop an android application, like

    --- Update ---

    Please Ignore the last sentence

    thank you forum members for any answers

  2. #2
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    Default Re: What do I need to know to program this in Android?

    Read a book

  3. #3
    Forum VIP
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    Default Re: What do I need to know to program this in Android?

    I'm not sure what you are confused about. Your questions seem to be related to basic java concepts, which apply both to android and desktop programs.
    In my experience, I have found it easier to build the android app's processing engine independently from the Android interface. What I would do is create 3 projects: the processing engine, the Android UI, and a tossed together desktop UI.
    The project for the processing engine would contain all of the game's core functionality. Everything that isn't dependent on Android components should be put here.
    The project for the Android UI would be where you create all the Android user interface stuff. This project would have the processing engine project as a dependency, and would send user input to that project to be processed and respond back to the UI.
    The project for the Desktop UI would contain an extremely basic concept of the Android UI. I would invest just enough time into this to get it functional. This project would also depend on the processing engine project, and would also send user input to that project for a response.

    I would do it this way because it makes it easier for me to test the processing engine on the desktop version than the Android version. The Android version will require you to launch the emulators and all sorts of other stuff. Attempting to debug the processing core of the game can become a real headache if you are doing it through a top-heavy Android UI. If the project for the processing engine contains all of your functional code, and the Desktop and the Android UIs send the same information to the processing engine, the processing engine should perform the same for both UIs. This means you can do a quick launch of the Desktop project to test your processing engine project, and it means you don't have to put together a fully functional Android UI until after you know the processing engine is working correctly.

    When asking for help, please follow these guidelines to receive better and more prompt help:
    1. Put your code in Java Tags. To do this, put [highlight=java] before your code and [/highlight] after your code.
    2. Give full details of errors and provide us with as much information about the situation as possible.
    3. Give us an example of what the output should look like when done correctly.

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  4. The Following User Says Thank You to aussiemcgr For This Useful Post:

    GregBrannon (January 27th, 2014)

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