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Thread: Dice Game help and Arrays

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Dice Game help and Arrays

    I'm unsure about what to do with this section of code, errors are on lines 368 - 388, it's underlined in red using Eclipse and says, pointDie*JLabel1 (* is 1-5) as it does this on all lines through this section, cannot be resolved. I have a feeling it has something to do with the arrays and variables above, I need some help and any other issues you may come across. I know rollFives and moveDice is undefined at this time, and change player as this was going to be assigned for two players only but thought I'd try to let it decide 1-5 players. The scores are also suppose to populate in the JTextField on the right depending on how many players were selected....so lost. Any help will be appreciated.

    BTW the other errors are at 463 in the else if , 479 with the turnpoints undefined

    // Name
    // Play a basic game of Zonk, 10,000
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.border.*;
    import java.text.*;
    public class zonk extends JFrame 
       // JPanel and TitledBorder to contain dice
       private JPanel pointDiceJPanel;
       private TitledBorder pointDiceTitledBorder;
       // JLabels to display the die images in pointDiceJPanel
       private JLabel pointDie1JLabel;
       private JLabel pointDie2JLabel;
       private JLabel pointDie3JLabel;
       private JLabel pointDie4JLabel;
       private JLabel pointDie5JLabel;
       // JLabels to display the die images from the rolls of the dice
       private JLabel die1JLabel;
       private JLabel die2JLabel;
       private JLabel die3JLabel;
       private JLabel die4JLabel;
       private JLabel die5JLabel;
       private JCheckBox die1KeepJCheckBox;
       private JCheckBox die2KeepJCheckBox;
       private JCheckBox die3KeepJCheckBox;
       private JCheckBox die4KeepJCheckBox;
       private JCheckBox die5KeepJCheckBox;
       private JTextArea rollPointsJTextField;
       private JComboBox selectScoreJComboBox;
       private JLabel pointsJLabel;
       private JTextField pointsJTextField;
       // JButtons to allow user to interact with game
       private JButton playJButton;
       private JButton addScoreJButton;   
       private JButton rollJButton;
       private JButton stopJButton;
       private JButton buildScoreCardJButton;
       // JLabel and JTextField to show results of game
       private JLabel resultJLabel;
       private JTextField resultJTextField;
       // instance variables
       private int numberOfPlayers = 1;
       private int numberRolls = 0;
       private boolean newGame = true; 
       private int[] scores = {0,0,0,0,0};
       private String[] scoreNames = {"", "", "", "", ""};
       private String[] playerNames = {"Player1", "Player2", "Player3", "Player4", "Player5"};
       private boolean[] scoresUsed = new boolean[scores.length];
       private int[] diceFace = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
       private int turnPoints = 0;
       private int myPoint = 0;
       private int[] roll = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; 
       private int sumOfDice = 0;
       private Random randomObject = new Random();
       // no-argument constructor
       public zonk()
       // create and position GUI components; register event handlers
       private void createUserInterface()
          // get content pane for attaching GUI components
          Container contentPane = getContentPane();
          // enable explicit positioning of GUI components
          contentPane.setLayout( null );
          // set up pointDiceTitledBorder for use with pointDiceJPanel
          pointDiceTitledBorder = new TitledBorder( "Keep" );
          // set up pointDiceJPanel
          pointDiceJPanel = new JPanel();
          pointDiceJPanel.setBounds( 10, 16, 490, 116 );
          pointDiceJPanel.setLayout( null );
          pointDiceJPanel.setBorder( pointDiceTitledBorder );
          contentPane.add( pointDiceJPanel );
          // set up pointDie1JLabel
          pointDie1JLabel = new JLabel();
          pointDie1JLabel.setBounds( 14, 34, 64, 56 );
          pointDiceJPanel.add( pointDie1JLabel );
          // set up pointDie2JLabel
          pointDie2JLabel = new JLabel();
          pointDie2JLabel.setBounds( 105, 34, 64, 56 );
          pointDiceJPanel.add( pointDie2JLabel );
                // set up pointDie2JLabel
          pointDie3JLabel = new JLabel();
          pointDie3JLabel.setBounds( 200, 34, 64, 56 );
          pointDiceJPanel.add( pointDie3JLabel );
               // set up pointDie2JLabel
          pointDie4JLabel = new JLabel();
          pointDie4JLabel.setBounds( 292, 34, 64, 56 );
          pointDiceJPanel.add( pointDie4JLabel );
                // set up pointDie2JLabel
          pointDie5JLabel = new JLabel();
          pointDie5JLabel.setBounds( 383, 34, 64, 56 );
          pointDiceJPanel.add( pointDie5JLabel );
          // set up die1JLabel
          die1JLabel = new JLabel();
          die1JLabel.setBounds( 14, 150, 64, 64 );
          contentPane.add( die1JLabel );
                // set up JCheckBox
          die1KeepJCheckBox = new JCheckBox();
          die1KeepJCheckBox.setBounds( 14, 220, 90, 24 );
          die1KeepJCheckBox.setText( "Keep die 1" );
          contentPane.add( die1KeepJCheckBox );
          die2KeepJCheckBox = new JCheckBox();
          die2KeepJCheckBox.setBounds( 105, 220, 90, 24 );
          die2KeepJCheckBox.setText( "Keep die 2" );
          contentPane.add( die2KeepJCheckBox );
          die3KeepJCheckBox = new JCheckBox();
          die3KeepJCheckBox.setBounds( 200, 220, 90, 24 );
          die3KeepJCheckBox.setText( "Keep die 3" );
          contentPane.add( die3KeepJCheckBox );
          die4KeepJCheckBox = new JCheckBox();
          die4KeepJCheckBox.setBounds( 292, 220, 90, 24 );
          die4KeepJCheckBox.setText( "Keep die 4" );
          contentPane.add( die4KeepJCheckBox );
          die5KeepJCheckBox = new JCheckBox();
          die5KeepJCheckBox.setBounds(383, 220, 90, 24 );
          die5KeepJCheckBox.setText( "Keep die 5" );
          contentPane.add( die5KeepJCheckBox );
          // set up die2JLabel
          die2JLabel = new JLabel();
          die2JLabel.setBounds( 105, 150, 64, 56 );
          contentPane.add( die2JLabel );
                // set up die2JLabel
          die3JLabel = new JLabel();
          die3JLabel.setBounds( 200, 150, 64, 56 );
          contentPane.add( die3JLabel );
                // set up die2JLabel
          die4JLabel = new JLabel();
          die4JLabel.setBounds( 292, 150, 64, 56 );
          contentPane.add( die4JLabel );
                // set up die2JLabel
          die5JLabel = new JLabel();
          die5JLabel.setBounds( 383, 150, 64, 56 );
          contentPane.add( die5JLabel );
          // set up playJButton
          playJButton = new JButton();
          playJButton.setBounds( 20, 256, 88, 23 );
          playJButton.setText( "Play" );
          contentPane.add( playJButton );
             new ActionListener() // anonymous inner class
                 // event handler called when playJButton is clicked
                 public void actionPerformed ( ActionEvent event )
                    playJButtonActionPerformed( event );
             } // end anonymous inner class
          ); // end call to addActionListener      
          selectScoreJComboBox = new JComboBox();
          /*// set up resultJLabel
          pointsJLabel = new JLabel();
          pointsJLabel.setBounds( 200, 320, 48, 16 );
          pointsJLabel.setText( "Points from roll:" );
          contentPane.add( pointsJLabel );*/
         /* // set up resultJTextField
          pointsJTextField = new JTextField();
          pointsJTextField.setBounds( 250, 320, 188, 24 );
          pointsJTextField.setHorizontalAlignment( JTextField.CENTER );
          contentPane.add( pointsJTextField );*/
          // set up rollJButton
          rollJButton = new JButton();
          rollJButton.setBounds( 220, 256, 88, 23 );
          rollJButton.setText( "Roll" );
          rollJButton.setEnabled( false );
          contentPane.add( rollJButton );
             new ActionListener() // anonymous inner class
                // event handler called when rollJButton is clicked
                public void actionPerformed ( ActionEvent event )
                   rollJButtonActionPerformed( event );
             } // end anonymous inner class
          ); // end call to addActionListener
          // set up stopJButton
          stopJButton = new JButton();
          stopJButton.setBounds( 400, 256, 88, 23 );
          stopJButton.setText( "Stop" );
          stopJButton.setEnabled( false );
          contentPane.add( stopJButton );
             new ActionListener() // anonymous inner class
                // event handler called when stopJButton is clicked
                public void actionPerformed ( ActionEvent event )
                	stopJButtonActionPerformed( event );
             } // end anonymous inner class
          ); // end call to addActionListener
          // set up resultJLabel
          resultJLabel = new JLabel();
          resultJLabel.setBounds( 20, 290, 48, 16 );
          resultJLabel.setText( "Result:" );
          contentPane.add( resultJLabel );
          // set up resultJTextField
          resultJTextField = new JTextField();
          resultJTextField.setBounds( 20, 320, 188, 24 );
          resultJTextField.setHorizontalAlignment( JTextField.CENTER );
          resultJTextField.setEditable( false );
          contentPane.add( resultJTextField );
          // set up resultJTextField
          rollPointsJTextField = new JTextArea();
          rollPointsJTextField.setBounds(550, 16, 238, 440 );
          contentPane.add( rollPointsJTextField);
          // set properties of application's window
          setTitle( "Zonk a dice game" ); // set title bar string
          setSize( 800, 550 );      // set window size
          setVisible( true );       // display window
       } // end method createUserInterface
       // start new game of craps
       private void buildScoreCard()
           rollPointsJTextField.setText("           PLAYERS AND THEIR SCORES \n" );
       for(int players = 0; players < numberOfPlayers; players++)
    		   rollPointsJTextField.append("   " + String.valueOf(players + 1) + "\t" + String.valueOf(scores[players]) + "\n");   
       private void playJButtonActionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
        	 String playersAnswer =  JOptionPane.showInputDialog("How many players will be participating, limit of five?");
        	 numberOfPlayers = Integer.parseInt(playersAnswer.toString());
        	 rollPointsJTextField.setText("" );
        	// pointsJTextField.setText("");
        	 for (int x=0; x < 5; x++)
        		scoreNames[x] = "";
        		scores[x] = 0;
        	 for (int x=0; x < numberOfPlayers; x++)
        		scoreNames[x] = playerNames[x];
        		selectScoreJComboBox.insertItemAt(scoreNames[x], x);
    	   resultJTextField.setText("New Game!!!");
               playJButton.setEnabled( false );
               rollJButton.setEnabled( true );
               // change the state of the JButtons
       } // end method playJButtonActionPerformed
       private void stopJButtonActionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
    	   sumOfDice = 0;
    	   if(selectScoreJComboBox.getSelectedIndex()< numberOfPlayers -1)
    	   else if(selectScoreJComboBox.getSelectedIndex()== numberOfPlayers -1 )
       } // end method playJButtonActionPerformed
       private void addScoreJButtonActionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
    		numberRolls ++;
    		addScoreJButton.setEnabled( false );
    		 // reset roll array to zero
    		for ( int y=1; y<6; y++ )
    			roll [y]= 0;
    		int rollPoints = 0;
    		int countOne = 0;
    		int countTwo = 0;
    		int countThree = 0;
    		int countFour = 0;
    		int countFive = 0;
    		int countSix = 0;
    		// load roll array with dice kept for score
    		if (die1KeepJCheckBox.isSelected() && pointDie1JLabel1.getIcon() == null)
    			roll [1] = diceFace[1];
    		else roll [1] = 0;
    		if (die2KeepJCheckBox.isSelected() && pointDie2JLabel1.getIcon() == null)
    			roll [2] = diceFace [2];
    		else roll [2] = 0;
    		if (die3KeepJCheckBox.isSelected() && pointDie3JLabel1.getIcon() == null)
    			roll [3] = diceFace [3];
    		else roll [3] = 0;
    		if (die4KeepJCheckBox.isSelected() && pointDie4JLabel1.getIcon() == null)
    			roll [4] = diceFace [4];
    		else roll [4] = 0;
    		if (die5KeepJCheckBox.isSelected() && pointDie5JLabel1.getIcon() == null)
    			roll [5] = diceFace [5];
    		else roll [5] = 0;
    		// determine dice faces rolled
    		int x = 1;
    			if (roll[x] == 1)
    				countOne +=1;
    			if (roll[x] == 2)
    				countTwo += 1;
    			if (roll[x] == 3)
    				countThree += 1;
    			if (roll[x] == 4)
    				countFour += 1;
    			if (roll[x] == 5)
    				countFive += 1;
    			if (roll[x] == 6)
    				countSix += 1;
    		}while (x < 6);
    		// determine points for selected dice
    		if (countOne == 3)
    			rollPoints += 1000; // Three 1's
    		if (countTwo == 3)
    			rollPoints += 200; // Three 2's
    		if (countThree == 3)
    			rollPoints += 300; // Three 3's
    		if (countFour == 3)
    			rollPoints += 400; // Three 4's
    		if (countFive >= 3)
    			rollPoints += 500; // Three 5's
    		if (countSix == 3)
    			rollPoints += 600; // Three 6's
    		if (countOne > 3)
    			rollPoints += (countOne - 3) * 100; // more than three 1's (extra's 100 points each)
    		if (countOne > 0 && countOne < 3)
    			rollPoints += countOne * 100; // less than three 1's (100 points each )
    		if (countFive > 3)
    			rollPoints += (countFive - 3) * 50; // more than three 5's (extra's 50 points each)
    		if (countFive > 0 && countFive < 3)
    			rollPoints += countFive * 50; // less than three 5's (50 points each)
    		// score fives and add to roll points without moving them
    		rollPoints += scoreFives;
    		// move dice after scoring them
    		rollPointsJTextField.setText( String.valueOf(rollPoints)); //display roll points
    		// roll points zero *ZONK*
    		if (rollPoints == 0)
    			resultJTextField.setText( "Zonk!!!" );
    			resultJTextField.setForeground(Color.red );
    			rollPoints = 0;
    			rollPointsJTextField.setText( "0" );
    			turnPoints = 0;
    		else if  (scores[indexForArrays] == 0 && turnPoints < 500 && numberRolls >= 3 ) 
    			// 500 points to get on board in 3 rolls
    			resultJTextField.setText( "ZONK!!!" );
    			resultJTextField.setForeground(Color.red );
    			rollPoints = 0;
    			rollPointsJTextField.setText( "0" );
    			turnPoints = 0;
    			turnPoints + rollPoints;
    		turnPointsJTextField.setText( String.valueOf(turnPoints)); // display turn points
      } //end addScore method
       // continue the game
       private void rollJButtonActionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
          if(die1KeepJCheckBox.isSelected() && pointDie1JLabel.getIcon() == null)
                pointDie1JLabel.setIcon( die1JLabel.getIcon() );
          if (die2KeepJCheckBox.isSelected() && pointDie2JLabel.getIcon() == null)
                pointDie2JLabel.setIcon( die2JLabel.getIcon() );
          if (die3KeepJCheckBox.isSelected() && pointDie3JLabel.getIcon() == null)
                pointDie3JLabel.setIcon( die3JLabel.getIcon() );
          if (die4KeepJCheckBox.isSelected() && pointDie4JLabel.getIcon() == null)
                pointDie4JLabel.setIcon( die4JLabel.getIcon() );
          if (die5KeepJCheckBox.isSelected() && pointDie5JLabel.getIcon() == null)
                pointDie5JLabel.setIcon( die5JLabel.getIcon() );
          //make the dice reappear if the user unselects a kept dice
          if(!die1KeepJCheckBox.isSelected() && die1JLabel.getIcon()==null)
              die1JLabel.setIcon( die1JLabel.getIcon() );
          if(!die2KeepJCheckBox.isSelected() && die2JLabel.getIcon()==null)
              die2JLabel.setIcon( die2JLabel.getIcon() );
          if(!die3KeepJCheckBox.isSelected() && die3JLabel.getIcon()==null)
              die3JLabel.setIcon( die3JLabel.getIcon() );
          if(!die4KeepJCheckBox.isSelected() && die4JLabel.getIcon()==null)
              die4JLabel.setIcon( die4JLabel.getIcon() );
          if(!die5KeepJCheckBox.isSelected() && die5JLabel.getIcon()==null)
              die5JLabel.setIcon( die5JLabel.getIcon() );
                 sumOfDice += rollDice();       
    // generate random die rolls
       private int rollDice()
    	   if (!(die1KeepJCheckBox.isSelected()))
    		   int die1 = 1 + randomObject.nextInt(6);
    		   displayDie(die1JLabel, die1);
    	   if (!(die2KeepJCheckBox.isSelected()))
    		   int die2 = 1 + randomObject.nextInt(6);
    		   displayDie(die2JLabel, die2);
    	   if (!(die3KeepJCheckBox.isSelected()))
    		   int die3 = 1 + randomObject.nextInt(6);
    		   displayDie(die3JLabel, die3);
    	   if (!(die4KeepJCheckBox.isSelected()))
    		   int die4 = 1 + randomObject.nextInt(6);
    		   displayDie(die4JLabel, die4);
    	   if (!(die5KeepJCheckBox.isSelected()))
    		   int die5 = 1 + randomObject.nextInt(6);
    		   displayDie(die5JLabel, die5);
          return 100; // return sum of dice values
       } // end method rollDice
       // displays the die image
       private void displayDie( JLabel picDieJLabel, int face )
          ImageIcon image = 
             new ImageIcon( "G:/Java Programming/Dice/die" + face + ".png" );
          // display die images in picDieJLabel      
          picDieJLabel.setIcon( image );
       } // end method displayDie
       // main method
       public static void main( String args[] )
          zonk application = new zonk();
          application.setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
       } // end method main
    } // end class zonk

  2. #2
    Administrator copeg's Avatar
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    Default Re: Dice Game help and Arrays

    "cannot be resolved" means the compiler cannot find the variable name. Look closely at the variables names and how they are defined in the class, and how you are trying to use them (eg pointDie1JLabel != pointDie1JLabel1). The other errors (at least one of them) is due to the same issue - typically caused by not defining a variable or misspelling it relative to how it is defined.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Dice Game help and Arrays

    Thanks that helped with a lot. Now if I can just get these variable, arrays and that text field on the right side to keep score that would be fantastic

  4. #4
    Administrator copeg's Avatar
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    Default Re: Dice Game help and Arrays

    Quote Originally Posted by SnarkKnuckle View Post
    Thanks that helped with a lot. Now if I can just get these variable, arrays and that text field on the right side to keep score that would be fantastic
    Not sure what you mean...is this another question? What do you mean by 'right side'? If you are referring to a GUI arrangement? (Recommend posting an Short, Self Contained, Correct Example if so - the above is not compilable)

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Dice Game help and Arrays

    Yes, it's in a gui arrangement, theres a JTextField that populates on the right hand side that should pull from the arry of PLayers 1-5 depending on how many were selected after hitting the playJButton, but it doesn't pull this information. All this code runs directly from Eclipse all contained, only thing missing would be images for dice but that part is irrelevant for the textfield.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Dice Game help and Arrays

    Again, post some compilable code that demonstrates the GUI arrangement. That being said, I will try and steer you clear from using a null layout (as your code above does) - not at all adaptable to making changes to the GUI itself as well as re-arrangements caused by window resizing. If you haven't yet, see the following link which might help choosing the layout(s) you want A Visual Guide to Layout Managers (The Java™ Tutorials > Creating a GUI With JFC/Swing > Laying Out Components Within a Container)

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