Hello World, I am taking a Java Programming class and im confused on what im doing wrong. The Program is supposed to display a table that converts Kilo's to Pounds and show Calculated pounds and Calculated Kilos. Im sure this is very easy for everyone here but me....lol please help

Thank you


public class Program4 {
	public static void main(String[] args){
		System.out.println(" Conversion Chart");
		for(int k = 1; k <= 199; k + 2 )
			System.out.print("   " + k);
			for(int p = 2.2; p <= 437.8; p * k)
				System.out.print(p + "|");
				for(int cp = 20; cp <= 515; cp + 5)
					System.out.print("  " + cp);
					for(int ck = 9.09; ck <= 234.09; ck / cp);
					System.out.printf("%2d", + ck);