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Thread: helo

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default helo

    Hi Guys, how are you all. I seem to be having a problem getting my program to highlight the date which is typed as the third command line argument. There are three command line arguments; 1st one is the starting date, second is the month, and the third is the date to highlight.

    Here is the code:

    // Program to print a calendar for a given month.
    // First argument is the number of the start day, 1 to 7
    // Second argument is the last date in the month e.g. 28.
    public class CalendarHighlight
      public static void main(String [] args)
        printMonth(Integer.parseInt(args[0]), Integer.parseInt(args[1]));
      } // main
      // Print the calendar for the month.
      private static void printMonth(int monthStartDay, 
                                     int lastDateInMonth)
        // Keep track of which day 1 to 7 is the next day to be printed
        // out.
        int nextDayColumnToUse = monthStartDay;
        // Keep track of next date to be printed out.
        int nextDateToPrint = 1;
        // Print top line of calendar.
        // Print headings i.e. su, mo, tu etc.
        // Print out minimum 6 rows to ensure consistent format.
        int noOfRows = 0;
        while (nextDateToPrint <= lastDateInMonth || noOfRows < 6)
          // Print one row.
          System.out.print(" | ");
          for (int dayColumnNo = 1; dayColumnNo <= 7; dayColumnNo++)
    	// Print a space separator between day columns.
            if (dayColumnNo > 1)
    	  System.out.print("    ");
    	// We either print spaces or date.
    	if (dayColumnNo != nextDayColumnToUse
    	    || nextDateToPrint > lastDateInMonth)
    	} // else
          } // for
          // Print separator and end the row.
          System.out.println(" | ");
          // The next row.
          nextDayColumnToUse = 1;
        } // while
        // Print bottom line of calendar.
      } // printMonth
      // Print line of hyphens as wide as table starting with
      // spaces and ending with spaces so it looks right.
      private static void printMonthLineOfHyphens()
        System.out.print("  ");
        for (int dayColumnNo = 1; dayColumnNo <= 7; dayColumnNo++)
          if (dayColumnNo > 1)
        } // for
        System.out.println("    ");
      } // printMonthLineOfHyphens
      // Print headings of days in the week.
      private static void printDayNames()
        System.out.print(" | ");
        for (int dayColumnNo = 1; dayColumnNo <= 7; dayColumnNo++)
          if (dayColumnNo > 1)
            System.out.print("    ");
        } // for
        System.out.println(" | ");
      } // printDayNames
      // Print Day names as two characters.
      private static void printDayName(int dayNo)
        // Days in the week are numbered 1 - 7 from sunday so:
        switch (dayNo)
          case 1: System.out.print("Su"); break;
          case 2: System.out.print("Mo"); break;
          case 3: System.out.print("Tu"); break;
          case 4: System.out.print("We"); break;
          case 5: System.out.print("Th"); break;
          case 6: System.out.print("Fr"); break;
          case 7: System.out.print("Sa"); break;
        } // switch
      } // printDayName
      // Print spaces as wide as date between the dates.
      private static void printDateSpace()
        System.out.print("  ");
      } // printDateSpace
      // Print hyphens as wide as the date.
      private static void printDateHyphens()
      } // printDateHyphens
      // Print date using two characters, with leading zero if required.
      private static void printDate(int date)
        System.out.printf("%02d", date);
      } // printDate
    } // class CalendarHighlight

    Any suggestions guys?

    Kind regards

    Last edited by Shyamz1; November 23rd, 2010 at 12:58 PM. Reason: Wrong code

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    North Central Illinois
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    Thanked 112 Times in 110 Posts

    Default Re: helo

    What do you mean by highlight?

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