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Thread: A Final method for DoublyLinkedList and a new class that calls DoublyLinkedList.

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  1. #1
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    Default A Final method for DoublyLinkedList and a new class that calls DoublyLinkedList.

    3. Write a new method public String printAlternate(). This method returns a string that has
    the data in the following fashion (assume for this example that the list stores String objects)
    If the list is currently [amit is now here], it will return a string “[amit here is now]”
    If the list is currently [amit is now currently here], it will return a string “[amit here is currently now]”
    4. Create a generic class SortedDoublyLinkedList. This class internally uses the DoublyLinkedList class to
    represent a list that has been arranged in “increasing order” of its data. To determine “increasing
    order”, this class uses the compareTo method. That is, this new list can only store objects for which the
    compareTo method has been defined.
    a. Write a method add(T data). This method adds the data to the list so that the list is
    maintained in “increasing order”. For example, if the existing list is [amit here is now] and you
    are trying to add the string “me”, the list will become [amit here is me now].
    b. Write a method removeFirst() that removes the first element in the list. (Hint: this works
    the same way as the DoublyLinkedList’s removeFirst().)
    c. Write a method removeLast() that removes the last element in the list. (Hint: this works the
    same way as the DoublyLinkedList’s removeLast().)
    The SortedDoublyLinkedList class should have only four public methods: add, removeFirst,
    removeLast and toString.

    Ok, I'm not sure if I need a Node class or whatever. it's probably very simple, yet I can never think well under a lot of stress.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: A Final method for DoublyLinkedList and a new class that calls DoublyLinkedList.

    package Assignment4;
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
    // this class basically just sorts the DoublyLinkedList it has internally.  
     * @author pradcoc
    public class SortedDoublyLinkedList<T extends Comparable> {
    	private DoublyLinkedList<T> dll;
    	public SortedDoublyLinkedList()
    		dll = new DoublyLinkedList<T>();
    	public void add(T data)
    // here I have the problem that I want it to keep comparing the data to every value in the list till the list reaches its end.  
    // right now it'll add it immediately and NOT keep comparing if it is -1 or 0.  How do I fix that?  
    		for (int penguin = 0; penguin < dll.Size(); penguin++)
    			if (data.compareTo(dll.get(penguin)) == -1)
    				dll.add(penguin, data);
    			else if (data.compareTo(dll.get(penguin)) == 0)
    				dll.add(penguin, data);
    				if (penguin != dll.Size() -1)
    					// don't add it
    					dll.add(penguin, data);
    	public String toString()
    	public void removeLast()
    		/* String str = "["
    			String str
    		for (int j = 0; j < dll.Size(); j++)
    		if (dll.Size() == 0)
    			JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Cannot remove from an empty list!", "Invalid removal", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
    	public void removeFirst()

    Also, I need the alternateString() method for the other class, which I don't quite know how to set up.
    package Assignment4;
    import javax.swing.Icon;
    import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.io.*;
    //Paul Adcock
    // Assignment 4
    // Lasted Worked On: 10/12/2010
    // this class is the Doubly Linked list class.  It has a Node that holds a reference to some date of type T and has a reference
    // to the next Node and to the previous Node.  
    public class DoublyLinkedList<T>
        private class Node<T>
            private T data;
            private Node<T> next;
                   private Node<T> previous;
            public Node(T data,Node<T> next, Node<T> previous)
                this.data = data;
                this.next = next;
            public T getData()
                return data;
            public Node<T> getNext()
                return next;
    public Node<T> getPrevious()
    return previous;
            public void setNext(Node<T> next)
                this.next = next;
    public void setPrevious(Node<T> previous)
    this.previous = previous;
        private Node<T> head;//head of the linked list
           private Node<T> tail; // tail of linked list
        private int size;
       private ImageIcon icon;
       private Icon icon2;
        public DoublyLinkedList()
            head = null;
                    tail = null;
            size = 0;
            icon = new ImageIcon("doh3.jpg");
        // returns a String of all the items in the linked list.  
        public String toString()
            String str = "[";
            Node<T> curr;
            for (curr=head;curr!=null;curr = curr.getNext())
                str = str + curr.getData();
                if (curr.getNext()!=null)
                    str = str + " ";
            str = str + "]";
            return str;
        // adds the data as the first element.  If the list size is 0, makes first element tail.  If head is not null, it puts the old
        // tail as the second element and the new element as the new head.  
        public void addFirst(T data)
        /*  Since this is the first Object,  previous should be null
        Node<T> newNode = new Node<T>(data,head,null);
        //We know that if head is null, the list is empty
        if (head==null)
            //If the list is empty,  tail will be newNode
            tail = newNode;
        //We want to set head to be newNode
    // if the list was empty before, both head and tail will be set to newNode;
        head = newNode;
        //Increment Size
        public void removeFirst()
               if (size == 0)
            	   JOptionPane pane = new JOptionPane();
    pane.showMessageDialog(null, "Cannot remove from an empty list!", "Invalid removal", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
            Node<T> current = head; // creates a Node called current and sets it to head.
            head = head.getNext(); //move head to the next element
        public void addLast(T data)
            //If there are no elements, use the addFirst method
            if (tail == null)
            /* Create the new Node from the data. Set next to null
             * because this will be the last element and will not
             * have a next. Set previous to tail because tail has
             * not been changed yet and is currently referencing
             * that element that will be directly before this element
            Node<T> newNode = new Node(data,null,tail);
            /* Since the tail variable still references the element
             * directly before the new element, we can set that node's
             * next to our new element.
            //Set tail to our new Node
            tail = newNode;
            //Increment size
        public int Size()
        public void add(int index,T data)
            int i;
           if (index == 0)
            if (index>size)
            	JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Cannot add out of bounds!", "Invalid command", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
            if (index < 0)
            	JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Cannot add out of bounds!", "Invalid command", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
            if (head==null)
            if (index == size)
            //step 1
            Node<T> current;
            current = head;
            for (i=0;i<index-1;i++)
                current = current.getNext();
            //current now refers to object immediately before new node
            //step 2
            Node<T> newnode = new Node<T>(data,current.getNext(), current.getPrevious());
            //step 3
        public void remove(int index)
            if ((index<0) || (index>=size))
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "You cannot remove an out-of-bounds value!", "Invalid removal", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
            Node<T> current,previous2;
            current = head; // makes current equal to head
            previous2 = null;
            for (int i=0;i<index;i++)
                previous2 = current;
                current = current.getNext();
           // for remove(3)
            // for i = 0;
            // previous2 = head;
            // current = head + 1;
            // for i = 0;
            // previous2 = head + 1;
            // current = head + 2;
            // for i = 1;
            // previous2 = head + 2;
            // current = head + 3;
            // for i = 2
            // previous2 = head + 3;
            // current = head + 4;
            // previous2.next = head + 5;
            Node<T> node3 = previous2;
            if (index!=0)
                head = head.getNext();
        public T get(int i)
        	if (i < 0 || i >= size)
        		return null;
        	if (i ==0)
        			Node<T> thisNode = head;
        	if (i == size - 1)
        		Node<T> thisNode = tail;
        	Node<T> specialNode = head;
        	for (int x = 1; x < i + 1; x++)
        		specialNode = specialNode.getNext();
        	// How do I get it to return the data at i?
        public T front()
        	if (head == null)
        		return null;
        public T back()
        	if (tail == null)
        		return null;
        	return(get(size - 1));
        public void removeLast()
        	if (head == null)
        		JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Cannot remove from an empty list!", "Invalid removal", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
        	remove(Size() -1 );
    public String printAlternate()
    This method returns a string that has
    the data in the following fashion (assume for this example that the list stores String objects)
    If the list is currently [amit is now here], it will return a string �[amit here is now]�
    If the list is currently [amit is now currently here], it will return a string �[amit here is currently now]�
    	String str = "["
    for (int v = 0; v < size; v++)


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