I'm trying to create a program that automates the normalisation process for RDMSs but I've hit a plateau when compiling code that is trying to handle creating objects for a constructor that has yet to be created and will have x amount of parameters. Here is the full source code:

 *  This program is designed to automate the normalisation process.
package pkgAutoNormalise;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.Scanner;
class AutoNormalise {  
  public static void main(String args[]){
  FileOutputStream OutStream;
  PrintStream InStream; // declare a print stream object
  Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); // create input scanner
  int intFields, intRows; // declare variables
  // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  // C O N S T R U C T O R   G E N E R A T O R
  // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  // create fields
  System.out.println("Enter number of fields:");
  intFields = input.nextInt();
  String arrayFieldName[] = new String[intFields+1];
  String arrayNewFieldName[] = new String[intFields+1];
  input.nextLine(); // simple error handling
  for(int x = 1; x <= intFields; x++) {
      System.out.println("\nEnter name of field " + x + ":");
      arrayFieldName[x] = input.nextLine();
      arrayNewFieldName[x] = "new" + arrayFieldName[x];
  } // end of for loop
  try {
      // create a new file output stream
      OutStream = new FileOutputStream("src//pkgAutoNormalise//Constructor.java");
      // connect print stream to the output stream
      InStream = new PrintStream(OutStream);
      // file streaming
      InStream.println ("package pkgAutoNormalise;");
      InStream.println ("public class Constructor {");
      // create variable declarations
      for(int x = 1; x <= intFields; x++) {
          InStream.println ("String " + arrayFieldName[x] + ";");
      } // end of for loop
      InStream.print ("    public Constructor(");
      // create constructor
      for(int x = 1; x <= intFields; x++) {
          if(x < intFields) {
              InStream.print ("String " + arrayNewFieldName[x] + ", ");
          else {
              InStream.println ("String " + arrayNewFieldName[x] + ") {");
      } // end of for loop
      for(int x = 1; x <= intFields; x++) {
          InStream.println ("        " + arrayFieldName[x] + " = " +
                  arrayNewFieldName[x] + ";");
      } // end of for loop
      InStream.println ("    }");
      // create getters
      for(int x = 1; x <= intFields; x++) {
          InStream.println ("public String get" + arrayFieldName[x] + "() {");
          InStream.println ("return " + arrayFieldName[x] + ";");
          InStream.println ("}");
      } // end of for loop
      InStream.println ("}");
      // message
      System.err.println ("\n[ Constructor generation successful ]");
  catch (Exception e){
      System.err.println ("\n[ Constuctor generation failed ]");
  } // end of try catch
  // create objects
  File fileConstructor = new File("src//pkgAutoNormalise//Constructor.java");
  if(fileConstructor.exists()) {
      System.out.println("\nEnter number of record rows :");
      intRows = input.nextInt();
      Constructor[] arrayRecords = new Constructor[intRows+1];
      for(int x = 1; x <= intRows; x++) {
          for(int y = 1; y <= intFields; y++) {
              System.out.println("Enter " + arrayFieldName[y] + " for record " + intRows + ":");
              arrayNewFieldName[y] = input.nextLine();
          } // end of for loop
          if(intFields == 1) {
              arrayRecords[x] = new Constructor(arrayNewFieldName[1]);
          else if(intFields == 2) {
              arrayRecords[x] = new Constructor(arrayNewFieldName[1],
          else if(intFields == 3) {
              arrayRecords[x] = new Constructor(arrayNewFieldName[1],
                      arrayNewFieldName[2], arrayNewFieldName[3]);
          else if(intFields == 4) {
              arrayRecords[x] = new Constructor(arrayNewFieldName[1],
                      arrayNewFieldName[2], arrayNewFieldName[3],
          else if(intFields == 5) {
              arrayRecords[x] = new Constructor(arrayNewFieldName[1],
                      arrayNewFieldName[2], arrayNewFieldName[3],
                      arrayNewFieldName[4], arrayNewFieldName[5]);
          else if(intFields == 6) {
              arrayRecords[x] = new Constructor(arrayNewFieldName[1],
                      arrayNewFieldName[2], arrayNewFieldName[3],
                      arrayNewFieldName[4], arrayNewFieldName[5],
          else if(intFields == 7) {
              arrayRecords[x] = new Constructor(arrayNewFieldName[1],
                      arrayNewFieldName[2], arrayNewFieldName[3],
                      arrayNewFieldName[4], arrayNewFieldName[5],
                      arrayNewFieldName[6], arrayNewFieldName[7]);
          else if(intFields == 8) {
              arrayRecords[x] = new Constructor(arrayNewFieldName[1],
                      arrayNewFieldName[2], arrayNewFieldName[3],
                      arrayNewFieldName[4], arrayNewFieldName[5],
                      arrayNewFieldName[6], arrayNewFieldName[7],
          else if(intFields == 9) {
              arrayRecords[x] = new Constructor(arrayNewFieldName[1],
                      arrayNewFieldName[2], arrayNewFieldName[3],
                      arrayNewFieldName[4], arrayNewFieldName[5],
                      arrayNewFieldName[6], arrayNewFieldName[7],
                      arrayNewFieldName[8], arrayNewFieldName[9]);
          else if(intFields == 10) {
              arrayRecords[x] = new Constructor(arrayNewFieldName[1],
                      arrayNewFieldName[2], arrayNewFieldName[3],
                      arrayNewFieldName[4], arrayNewFieldName[5],
                      arrayNewFieldName[6], arrayNewFieldName[7],
                      arrayNewFieldName[8], arrayNewFieldName[9],
          else {
              System.out.println("[ Program can't handle more than 10 fields ]");
          } // end of else if
      } // end of for loop
      for(int x = 1; x <= intFields; x++) {
      } // end of for loop
  } // end of if statment
  catch(Exception e) {
      // error handling
  } // end of main method
} // end of AutoNormalise class

Updating property file: C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\projAutoNormalise\build\bui lt-clean.properties
Deleting directory C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\projAutoNormalise\build
Created dir: C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\projAutoNormalise\build
Updating property file: C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\projAutoNormalise\build\bui lt-jar.properties
Created dir: C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\projAutoNormalise\build\cla sses
Created dir: C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\projAutoNormalise\build\emp ty
Created dir: C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\projAutoNormalise\build\gen erated-sources\ap-source-output
Compiling 1 source file to C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\projAutoNormalise\build\cla sses
C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\projAutoNormalise\src\pkgAu toNormalise\AutoNormalise.java:84: error: cannot find symbol
Constructor[] arrayRecords = new Constructor[intRows+1];
symbol: class Constructor
location: class AutoNormalise
C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\projAutoNormalise\src\pkgAu toNormalise\AutoNormalise.java:84: error: cannot find symbol
Constructor[] arrayRecords = new Constructor[intRows+1];
symbol: class Constructor
location: class AutoNormalise
C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\projAutoNormalise\src\pkgAu toNormalise\AutoNormalise.java:91: error: cannot find symbol
arrayRecords[x] = new Constructor(arrayNewFieldName[1]);
symbol: class Constructor
location: class AutoNormalise
C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\projAutoNormalise\src\pkgAu toNormalise\AutoNormalise.java:94: error: cannot find symbol
arrayRecords[x] = new Constructor(arrayNewFieldName[1],
symbol: class Constructor
location: class AutoNormalise
C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\projAutoNormalise\src\pkgAu toNormalise\AutoNormalise.java:98: error: cannot find symbol
arrayRecords[x] = new Constructor(arrayNewFieldName[1],
symbol: class Constructor
location: class AutoNormalise
C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\projAutoNormalise\src\pkgAu toNormalise\AutoNormalise.java:102: error: cannot find symbol
arrayRecords[x] = new Constructor(arrayNewFieldName[1],
symbol: class Constructor
location: class AutoNormalise
C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\projAutoNormalise\src\pkgAu toNormalise\AutoNormalise.java:107: error: cannot find symbol
arrayRecords[x] = new Constructor(arrayNewFieldName[1],
symbol: class Constructor
location: class AutoNormalise
C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\projAutoNormalise\src\pkgAu toNormalise\AutoNormalise.java:112: error: cannot find symbol
arrayRecords[x] = new Constructor(arrayNewFieldName[1],
symbol: class Constructor
location: class AutoNormalise
C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\projAutoNormalise\src\pkgAu toNormalise\AutoNormalise.java:118: error: cannot find symbol
arrayRecords[x] = new Constructor(arrayNewFieldName[1],
symbol: class Constructor
location: class AutoNormalise
C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\projAutoNormalise\src\pkgAu toNormalise\AutoNormalise.java:124: error: cannot find symbol
arrayRecords[x] = new Constructor(arrayNewFieldName[1],
symbol: class Constructor
location: class AutoNormalise
C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\projAutoNormalise\src\pkgAu toNormalise\AutoNormalise.java:131: error: cannot find symbol
arrayRecords[x] = new Constructor(arrayNewFieldName[1],
symbol: class Constructor
location: class AutoNormalise
C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\projAutoNormalise\src\pkgAu toNormalise\AutoNormalise.java:138: error: cannot find symbol
arrayRecords[x] = new Constructor(arrayNewFieldName[1],
symbol: class Constructor
location: class AutoNormalise
12 errors
C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\projAutoNormalise\nbproject \build-impl.xml:603: The following error occurred while executing this line:
C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\projAutoNormalise\nbproject \build-impl.xml:244: Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details.
BUILD FAILED (total time: 0 seconds)