So, I'm working on creating a sort of role playing game. First off, throughout this post I will put little marks to correspond to the code I'm talking about. Down below will be the code organized by the order I reference it in here. To hold all of the enemies I have programmed into the game, I created an array titled enemyList. This holds 100 enemies^1. The first thing that I have my program set to do is call a method titled createAllEnemies()^1 that will first create enemies and then assign them to different places in the array^1. If you're wondering about the creation thing on the enemies, that is the method in the enemy class I created to take variables passed to it and assign it to different variables in the enemy class^2. In any event, when I try to call an enemy for battle^3 it does not in fact give me the enemy I desired but instead gives me the enemy that was last put into the array. I am not getting any errors at all, just the wrong results.

1: Main class(edited for relevance)

public class Main  {
   static Enemy[] enemyList = new Enemy[100];
   public static void main(String[] args)
   private void createAllEnemies() {
        Enemy friend = new Enemy();
        friend.creation("your friend", "Slash", "Stab", "", 100, 10, 20, 0, 100, 1, 2, 100, 10); 
        enemyList[1] = friend;

2: Enemy class(edited for relevance. Left out an unnecessary method)

public class Enemy
    static String name;
    static String attackOneName;
    static String attackTwoName;
    static String attackThreeName;
    static int health;
    static int attackOneDamage;
    static int attackTwoDamage;
    static int attackThreeDamage;
    static int experienceGiven;
    static int level;
    static int numberOfAttacks;
    static int maxHealth;
    static int speed;
    public static void creation(String a, String b, String c, String d, int e, int f, int g, int h, int i, int j, int k, int l, int m)
        name = a;
        attackOneName = b;
        attackTwoName = c;
        attackThreeName = d;
        health = e;
        attackOneDamage = f;
        attackTwoDamage = g;
        attackThreeDamage = h;
        experienceGiven = i;
        level = j;
        numberOfAttacks = k;
        maxHealth = l;
        speed = m;

3:Example of creating a new battle and passing it an enemy

Battle battle = new Battle();

Does anyone have any idea about what could be going wrong here? Any and all help is appreciated.