import java.util.ArrayList;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.text.*;
import java.awt.*;
public class Student
	private String id = new String ();
	private String name = new String ();
	private double gpa;
	private Student [] person;
	private Student [] answers;
	private Student [] questions;
	Student() //Constructor
		id = "Unknown ID";
		name = "Unknown Name";
		gpa = 0;
	Student (String idnum, String n, double g)
		id = idnum;
		name = n;
		gpa = g;
	Student (int howManyKids, int howManyAnswers, String idnum, String n, double g)
		id = new String(idnum);
		name = new String(n);
		double gpa = g;
		int i = 0;
		int a =0;
		person = new Student[howManyKids];
		for (i=0; i < howManyKids; ++i)
		person [i] = new Student();
		answers = new Student[howManyAnswers];
		for (a=0; a < howManyAnswers; ++a)
		answers [a] = new Student();
		//populate (howManyKids);
		//populate (howManyAnswers);
	public void setAllStudentFields (int howManyKids, int howManyAnswers, String idnum, String n, double g)
		id = new String(idnum);
		name = new String(n);
		double gpa = g;
		int i = 0;
		int a =0;
		person = new Student[howManyKids];
		for (i=0; i < howManyKids; ++i)
		person [i] = new Student();
		answers = new Student[howManyAnswers];
		for (a=0; a < howManyAnswers; ++a)
		answers [a] = new Student();
		//populate (howManyKids);
		//populate (howManyAnswers);
	}// end of setter to setAllStudentFields
	public static void teacherTest(ArrayList questions)
		boolean valid = false;
		ArrayList<Character> key = new ArrayList<Character>();
		if ((one != 'T') || (one != 'F'))
			questions.add(new Character(one));
			System.out.println("Not an accpetable answer! Only enter a T or F.");
			valid = false;
			while (valid == false)
				System.out.println("(Only enter a T or F)");
				System.out.println("Question number " + i + " -->");
				one = Character.toUpperCase(GetInput.readLineNonwhiteChar());
				if ((one != 'T') || (one != 'F'))
					questions.add(new Character(one));
					valid = true;
				}//end of if statement
		while (one != 'X')
			key.add(new Character(one));
			System.out.println("Enter the answer to question -->");
			one = Character.toUpperCase(GetInput.readLineNonwhiteChar());
	public static void testForOneStudent(ArrayList answers)
		char one = ' ';
		Character torf;
		int i = 0;
		int correct = 0;
		boolean valid = false;
		for (i = 1; i <= 5; ++i)
			System.out.println("(Only enter a T or F)");
			System.out.println("Question number " + i + " -->");
			one = Character.toUpperCase(GetInput.readLineNonwhiteChar());
			if ((one != 'T') || (one != 'F'))
				answers.add(new Character(one));
				System.out.println("Not an accpetable answer! Only enter a T or F.");
				valid = false;
				while (valid == false)
					System.out.println("(Only enter a T or F)");
					System.out.println("Question number " + i + " -->");
					one = Character.toUpperCase(GetInput.readLineNonwhiteChar());
					if ((one != 'T') || (one != 'F'))
						answers.add(new Character(one));
						valid = true;
					}//end of if statement
				}//end of while loop
			}//end of else path
		}// end of for loop
	}//end of public
	public String getName()
		return name;
	public String getID()
		return id;
	public double getGPA()
		return gpa;
	public void setName(String n)
		name = n;
	public void setID(String idnum)
		id = idnum;
	public void setGPA(double g)
		gpa = g;
	public Student[] getPersons()
		return person;
	public Student[] getAnswers()
		return answers;
	public String toPrintPersonArray()
		String pOutput = new String();
		for (int i = 0; i < person.length; i++)
			pOutput += "The number of kids are " + (i + 1) + "\nand they are " + person[i].toString() + "\n";
		return pOutput;
	public String toPrintAnswerArray()
		String aOutput = new String();
		for (int i = 0; i < answers.length; i++)
			aOutput += "The number of answers received are " + (i + 1) + "\nand they are " + answers[i].toString() + "\n";
		return aOutput;
	public String toString()
		return ("\nName --> " + getName() + " \t Id Number --> " + getID() +
				" \t GPA --> " + getGPA() + "\n" + toPrintPersonArray() +

I'm creating a program that has a user input a teacher key and the student's answer to output both the key, the students answer, student name, id, and gpa. I'm in the process of writing a test class but need to figure out the errors to this one first. This needs to be array based as well.