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  1. Multi dimensional array
  2. [SOLVED] File and PrintWriter objects
  3. Grading System Program
  4. [SOLVED] How to change image when a key is pressed?
  5. java commands
  6. complete noob, pretty sure I'm just missing one argument
  7. Digital Persona Finger Print Java Applet
  8. main class problem
  9. Duplicate values add to Set
  10. JCIFS - Incorrect Authenticated User Identified
  11. code is giving me a different result then expected..
  12. dont know whats wrong, robot project
  13. [SOLVED] Beginner trying to make distance in positive number
  14. Program using ternary operator.
  15. [SOLVED] changing for loop to while statement..
  16. Getting error on a simple program.
  17. [Solved] Problem with Area Calculator Code!
  18. Java throwing error with Simple Program
  19. Can somebody add to the other java 8 features that i have mentioned
  20. Newb, working on Computer Science homework. Need ideas
  21. problem
  22. To know clearly, what is java?
  23. Creating SWT tree leaves
  24. Java program to find the index of the greater element whose value is sum of the remaining elements
  25. [SOLVED] ToString
  26. Finding in a JAVA program whether the system has (or had) visited a website in a browser and logged in there
  27. How to check Regular expression in java
  28. Can't pass by reference?
  29. Help idk what's wrong
  30. manual code for converting binary octa hexa and decimal.
  31. [SOLVED] Help with url
  32. [SOLVED] need help in this program created by D.S Malik
  33. Finding difficulty with getResource() method to find path.
  34. Getting Password from Password Field
  35. Meaning of String or immutable class
  36. Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Not supported yet.
  37. need help printing hourglass shape
  38. beginer
  39. java package problem
  40. Is it possible to add only String and Integer to ArrayList(Must be generic) by using JAVA GENERICS
  41. the pass by reference technique in java
  42. querying xml and json
  43. Help Me to Solve this Problem..
  44. Whats wrong with my code? Why isn't my minimum working? Thanks.
  45. Help Needed In the Code: Occurrence of Digits in a Number
  46. want to modify code that converts binary code to decimal numbers
  47. To creating user defined packages
  48. TreeMap:
  49. How to create a New Line Feed character in a SHIFT_JIS file.
  50. JOptionPane
  51. [SOLVED] solved
  52. Need help with programming a simple password checker.
  53. Transfering Variables across classes.
  54. Help With Decrypt A value from a key
  55. Helph me !
  56. [SOLVED] Cant figure out why images in applet wont how
  57. Coding in BlueJ/JDK 8, In need of assistance.
  58. start client actions only once all clients is connected
  59. help rendering view
  60. unsolved
  61. Random Shape Generator
  62. Calling Public Function in JInnternalFrame
  63. Entry level: 2 classes and Exception in thread "main"
  64. someone help
  65. java cant find my files
  66. New program error help
  67. what's wrong with my code?! OTL
  68. ArrayList.contains method does not work on user-defined data types
  69. Probably easy String parsing
  70. Simple Password checker into JOptionPane help!
  71. help creating program for area and perimeter of triangle
  72. Email Based LAN monitoring and controlling
  73. couldnt call one webservice from other webservice getting not an interface error and IllegalArgumentException at runtime
  74. cucumber in java through code without using Junit
  75. Why does my calculator only return 0.0?
  76. Can't Find File Apache Poi
  77. Warning on class with JFrame inheritance (extends)
  78. Help me pls
  79. sending sms through gsm modem using AT commands
  80. Hi I have a problem with my calculator
  81. Could not find main class error
  82. The code work the output different what it could be please help
  83. Insert code that adds the String representation of the selected item to the ArrayList billItems.
  84. can someone solve this problem
  85. [SOLVED] Comparing Elements in Array to find the Highest Int
  86. [SOLVED] Why do these two lines of code not produce the same results? ("==" vs. ".equals()")
  87. Converting double values (0.0-110.0) to a 4.0 Scale (as used in GPA calculation)
  88. Completely new to Java, don't understand my first Assignment
  89. [SOLVED] Need help populating two matrices with method
  90. Why is my JFrame not showing components such as JComboBoxes
  91. Game over method not updating correctly
  92. PDF uploading, downloading and Report Generation source code in jsp
  93. [SOLVED] My assignment
  94. Query database to retrieve a column for all menu Items in an ArrayList
  95. [SOLVED] MathQuestions
  96. Java application for infinite series that calculates pi
  97. JList help
  98. Pi calculating help.
  99. Problem in FileInputStream
  100. Netbeans and Eclipse compiler's output is different. My book's output is too...
  101. Printf Left Justify?
  102. Using method in Eclipse IDE
  103. MCV (buttons not working)
  104. how to disclose my code?
  105. iterator and fail fast
  106. nullPointerException
  107. Problem in java swing application with JcomboBox
  108. this method must return an int type /// + if
  109. Help to simple Java program... !
  110. assert() function is not working. Why?
  111. Java Program Help
  112. [SOLVED] Formatting answers to 2 decimal places
  113. [SOLVED] BufferedImage read file issue
  114. With out main class run a program
  115. Problem With Tomcat
  116. Change Maker
  117. Reversed Input
  118. Help! For my high school son stuck
  119. creating a tree in java
  120. Need help--trying to use an if/else statement that depends on which of 2 arrayLists an object is in.
  121. Perfecting My Designing Technique
  122. Scanner does weird things
  123. Time complexity(theta) for loops with special case?
  124. Randomizing images
  125. setBackground in MouseAdapter
  126. Please help with simple output.
  127. Decimal formatting?
  128. java begginner homework help
  129. Please help !
  130. switch case
  131. floyd triangle
  132. Tiled map
  133. [SOLVED] Resource leak
  134. can someone please help me understand this question.
  135. pythagorean triples using a for loop
  136. Not Sure Whats Wrong
  137. Pls help out with this code...What is wrong with it?
  138. relative path not working
  139. [SOLVED] Enable/Disable JPanel and its ComboBoxes
  140. Error in Main
  141. [SOLVED] Nested 'If' Statements
  142. [SOLVED] Reusing an Entered List of Array Elements
  143. Shuffling an Array is putting the same integer in more than one place
  144. Making a rectangle
  145. Infinite loop on double linked list
  146. java coding help
  147. [SOLVED] Magic Square.
  148. Sorting ascending/descending methods not working on double linked list
  149. Why won't it read my Input file?
  150. Beginner Do-While Loop help please?
  151. how could i populate jcombobox2 from mysql depending upon the value of jcombobox1??
  152. Simple Address Formater
  153. Problem with get input from JTextFiled and get in in JTable.Please help.
  154. [SOLVED] Simple 2d optics simulation program
  155. Converting primitive data types to read integers with decimal
  156. Boolean
  157. How to print all possible paths of a cyclic graph?
  158. Command Line and two arguments
  159. Help with my Java applet
  160. Calculating Sin(x)
  161. Creating new objects within methods
  162. if-else statement not working and dont know why
  163. Reading point objects from .drw file and drawing lines on panel
  164. how to get normal html javascript function value to java code
  165. java program
  166. differences
  167. Unable to play video in JPanel using vlcj in ubuntu 13.04
  168. Convert color image to grayscale and then to sepia
  169. Whats wrong? s.lengt - Counting characters
  170. how to read a netcdf files
  171. How to handle string with characters
  173. Get Cell value in Excel to TextField
  174. Beginnner Java, Assignment Help (Ending a code)
  175. How to get Which Button Clicked in through getActionCommand when Button have no Label!
  176. New to Java, looking for a little help
  177. Contacts
  178. My code is not working :(
  179. Getting Wrong Chars in Request!
  180. Confused
  181. Method calls/initialization issues
  182. How to handle this particular Exception
  183. How do you create a mathematical sequence?
  184. Stuck on 12 node star assignment
  185. If Statements
  186. help to find common String not simple !!
  187. Not running because of this one line, help
  188. Issues with return
  189. driver installed but still same error regarding connecting to mysql
  190. sound interference
  191. Mirror Image Java
  192. How to perform an action only if a certain amount of time has passed
  193. Homework help!
  194. The dreaded "Error: cannot find symbol" error...
  195. basic java problem concerning order of operations
  196. Class vs Function
  197. newbie stuck, line 28 won't compile...
  198. Function that will add the contents of a String array
  199. difference b/w unused and unread
  201. fastfood system using java
  202. unable to run tshark command in java on ubuntu
  203. [SOLVED] Need help trying to add a double to my code
  204. very beginner - very simple code but.....
  205. Int and Double...Performing Floating-Point Arithmetic help
  206. Create a Balloon object in java
  207. Question on While Loops
  208. i want code for this
  209. [SOLVED] Frame not displaying:
  210. if else statement: I need to place a price in a variable: to later ad taxes and topping to final cost.
  211. multiple classes problem
  212. Help in java code
  213. Install Java plugin for IE without manual update or install
  214. Download an object using url with the help of socket
  215. Match Mobile carrier
  216. Problem with day of month code
  217. [SOLVED] Problem with string split method to string array
  218. Calculation
  219. Line Spacing
  220. string handling
  221. need help with my homework !
  222. can anyone help?
  223. JOptionPane help
  224. For Loop for Fibonacci code
  225. please help
  226. I don't understand why I get assigned value never used. line 32,33,93
  227. Having trouble with my code, please help!
  228. [SOLVED] Father of CompSci HS student needs help
  229. Show minimum value
  230. Applet loading Issue with Installed jre-7u67 while 1.4 j2se version defined in the jnlp file
  231. not sure where to post this
  232. My first program
  233. [SOLVED] Wave Numbers
  234. Making a vending machine, trouble asking user to insert more money.
  235. do-while loop help
  236. Farenheit 2 Celcius Converter output box problem (First Post)
  237. Looping through a while loop with a switch statement
  238. Couple questions on my code for a setters and getters
  239. [SOLVED] compile error in the line bufferedreader.. plz help me how do i compile and run this program
  240. To transform my code to be able to save the room booking into .txt file
  241. streams
  242. Need Homework Help Please
  243. Tic Tac Toe Program compile error
  244. Homework Assignment
  245. Somethink with ArrayList
  246. Need help to understand this question.
  247. Sytax Error "Delete this Token"
  248. Storing a string in a 2D array
  249. HW Help: Returning Values with Methods
  250. trouble with nested for(loops)