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Thread: the problems of psx model ripping

  1. #1
    Member wolfgar's Avatar
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    Question the problems of psx model ripping

    i know this would be considered advanced , maybe even more advanced than the advanced thread , but i'm a noob so i put it here where i belong , lol

    i was looking for a way to get the 3d model from a game i was playing but every thing i've tried failed . i know this could work , but i just dont know how .

    the code i found was probably translated from hex ( due to the large hex dump to the right and hex inside of parts of it ) this is a capture of a single frame from the game ( a tiny piece of it )
       madr=(hex code)
       bcr=(hex code)
       chcr=(hex code)
       otag  -i think it stands for object tag-
          0 words @ (hex address)
          9 words @ (hex address)
             polyt4  -my guess , it means its a poly-quad-
                xy0=340,84  -i think these are the X and Y coordinates to a single vertex of the quad -
                uv0=49,126 -but i dont get this , or where the Z coordinates are-
                ( 3 more sets of tags like the last 2 )
                tge=1   -no clue what these last 4 properties are either-
       ( then it skips back up to the next "9 words @ (hex address)" )

    what i would like to do is find out how to identify the tags that were used here ( aka the dma otag 9 words @ ___ and the others in the polyt4 and it ) then extract the info , figure out how to read the 3d vars ( i'm used to xyz , not xy/uv ) and save it as some kind of 3d format so that i can see if its right

    what i know i need to do is:
    find a way to capture the 1 frame i need
    find only the 'dma' objects with the polyt4 in it
    and extract each poly coord to be placed in a dif file format ( but i'll start with just an array of coords for now)

    things i need help with ... about 95% of all of the above >.<
    Programming: the art that fights back

  2. #2
    Super Moderator helloworld922's Avatar
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    Default Re: the problems of psx model ripping

    Almost all games have their models stored on the hard disk. Rather than using a dump, look through the game files for something like "resources" or models, then google for the necessary program to extract/open the specific model you want.

  3. #3
    Member wolfgar's Avatar
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    Default Re: the problems of psx model ripping

    the problem with that the games i'm trying to get the files from dont have it as simple as that . most have a 2 - 4 files , none of witch even vaguely sound like they would be a 3d model ( SLUS_####.## and something called System but has the look of a internet connection ) the games i'm trying to rip models from aren't ur average computer game , its a iso/rom of a ps1 game run on a emulator.
    Programming: the art that fights back

  4. #4
    Super Moderator helloworld922's Avatar
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    Default Re: the problems of psx model ripping

    Maybe take a look at this.

  5. #5
    Member wolfgar's Avatar
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    Default Re: the problems of psx model ripping

    the program mentioned their is a program to translate .tmd to a .lwo file . only usefull if all psx games actually used that format >.< but only off brand crappy ones ever do ( from what i heard ) but even then that only helps if they have a viewable file system ( haven't seen 1 yet even with being able to view protected system files and hidden files ) . the next closest thing along that path is useing a program to ectract certain files from the cd .bin but all of my rips come out as 3 files ( .cue , .img , and .ccd ) i've spent the last 2 weeks searching along that path , results ... almost none >.<
    Programming: the art that fights back

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