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Conversation Between jps and dshainad

1 Visitor Messages

  1. Can you help me with this? Thething is there is NO question in this program. You just have to make 2 programs. The first one is for the GUI and the second will be for the showing of the output of the GUI. I hope you can help me. Thanks!

    Design class BankAccount that has attributes accountNumber, amountDeposited and amountWidthrew. It has its own methods computeInterest(), displayBalance(), withdrawMoney() and depositMoney().
    Impose a 0.5% interest on balance. Create a separate class MainBank that will manipulate/ display its values:

    Sample Input/Output:

    Enter money to deposit: 1000.0
    Enter money to widthraw: 0.0

    Previous balance is 1,000.0
    Interest is 5.0
    New balance is 1,005.0
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