Hey guys, first off i'm new here and i'm also new at java programming, i know the basics so far but to me it is just super complicated compared to the language i used before (Visual Basic) but i'm actually trying to learn Java since everybody told me it is way better than VB so i thought i'd give it a try, i've bought the book "Java programming for dummies" and to be perfectly honest it's not what i expected, i mean it does teach you the basic stuff of Java programming such as operators, statements and etc but when trying to "read" a source code and try to understand it, i tend to get headaches more than anything else for example, i am trying to make an encryption/decryption program as my first Java program so i've downloaded a few source codes demonstrating encryption algorythms and i'm trying to get what exactly the code do and how do i use it

Here's the actual code:

P.S Sorry if i didn't post this in the right section

import java.io.*;
public final class qb extends FilterOutputStream
    implements DataOutput
    public qb(OutputStream outputstream)
        b = 0;
        c = new byte[8];
    public final synchronized void write(int i)
        throws IOException
        if(a != null && a.length > 0)
            i ^= a[q()];
    public final void q(byte abyte0[])
        a = abyte0;
        b = 0;
    private int q()
        b = (b + 1) % a.length;
        return b;
    public final void flush()
        throws IOException
    public final void writeDouble(double d)
        throws IOException
    public final void writeFloat(float f)
        throws IOException
    public final void writeByte(int i)
        throws IOException
    public final void writeChar(int i)
        throws IOException
        write(i >>> 8 & 0xff);
        write(i >>> 0 & 0xff);
    public final void writeInt(int i)
        throws IOException
        write(i >>> 24 & 0xff);
        write(i >>> 16 & 0xff);
        write(i >>> 8 & 0xff);
        write(i >>> 0 & 0xff);
    public final void writeShort(int i)
        throws IOException
        write(i >>> 8 & 0xff);
        write(i >>> 0 & 0xff);
    public final void writeLong(long l)
        throws IOException
        c[0] = (byte)(int)(l >>> 56);
        c[1] = (byte)(int)(l >>> 48);
        c[2] = (byte)(int)(l >>> 40);
        c[3] = (byte)(int)(l >>> 32);
        c[4] = (byte)(int)(l >>> 24);
        c[5] = (byte)(int)(l >>> 16);
        c[6] = (byte)(int)(l >>> 8);
        c[7] = (byte)(int)(l >>> 0);
        write(c, 0, 8);
    public final void writeBoolean(boolean flag)
        throws IOException
        write(flag ? 1 : 0);
    public final synchronized void write(byte abyte0[], int i, int j)
        throws IOException
        if((i | j | abyte0.length - (j + i) | i + j) < 0)
            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
        for(int k = 0; k < j; k++)
            write(abyte0[i + k]);
    public final void write(byte abyte0[])
        throws IOException
        write(abyte0, 0, abyte0.length);
    public final void writeBytes(String s)
        throws IOException
        int i = s.length();
        for(int j = 0; j < i; j++)
    public final void writeChars(String s)
        throws IOException
        int i = s.length();
        for(int j = 0; j < i; j++)
            char c1 = s.charAt(j);
            write(c1 >>> 8 & 0xff);
            write(c1 >>> 0 & 0xff);
    public final void writeUTF(String s)
        throws IOException
        q(s, this);
    private static int q(String s, DataOutput dataoutput)
        throws IOException
        int i = s.length();
        int j = 0;
        char ac[] = new char[i];
        int k = 0;
        s.getChars(0, i, ac, 0);
        for(int l = 0; l < i; l++)
            char c1;
            if((c1 = ac[l]) >= '\001' && c1 <= '\177')
            if(c1 > '\u07FF')
                j += 3;
                j += 2;
        if(j > 65535)
            throw new UTFDataFormatException();
        byte abyte0[];
        (abyte0 = new byte[j + 2])[0] = (byte)(j >>> 8 & 0xff);
        abyte0[1] = (byte)(j >>> 0 & 0xff);
        for(int i1 = 0; i1 < i; i1++)
            char c2;
            if((c2 = ac[i1]) >= '\001' && c2 <= '\177')
                abyte0[k++] = (byte)c2;
            if(c2 > '\u07FF')
                abyte0[k++] = (byte)(0xe0 | c2 >> 12 & 0xf);
                abyte0[k++] = (byte)(0x80 | c2 >> 6 & 0x3f);
                abyte0[k++] = (byte)(0x80 | c2 >> 0 & 0x3f);
            } else
                abyte0[k++] = (byte)(0xc0 | c2 >> 6 & 0x1f);
                abyte0[k++] = (byte)(0x80 | c2 >> 0 & 0x3f);
        return j + 2;
    private byte a[];
    private int b;
    private byte c[];

Apparently, this is supposed to encrypt data, but the problem is i don't know how to call the main function of that code

If any of you guys, understand what this code do, could you please explain to me how i can use it

Your help is very appreciated, thank you

- John