Data Specification

(Ensure you adhere to good programming practices for ALL data design and

1. Declare two variables capable of holding the racer’s first name and their
2. Declare a variable capable of holding the racer’s age
3. Declare a variable capable of holding the best personal race time in seconds
4. Define (declare) constants to store the race type for identifying race start
zones – values required are: Tempo, Hill
5. Define (declare) constants to store the possible race start zones – values
required are: A, B, C, D
6. Define (declare) a constant capable of holding the name of the race: “10 Mile
City of Derry Run”

Program Specification

Your program should read in details for four racer’s .
For each of these racers your program should prompt and read from the keyboard starting
with first name and surname.
The program should use further prompt/reads to get additional racers specified details
needed to help apply the selection criteria (listed below) to determine and output the
runners start race zone. All data should be read in from the keyboard.

Race Starting Zone Criteria:
Age Race Type Best Time Zone
18-40 Tempo <60 A
18-40 Tempo >=60 B
41-60 Tempo <60 C
41-60 Tempo >=60 D

18-40 Hill <60 D
18-40 Hill >=60 C
41-60 Hill <60 B
41-60 Hill >=60 A

Using the stored values your program should apply the criteria specified above to inform the
runners of their allocated start zone for this race.
Finally, the program should print out the following personalised information with appropriate
annotation and formatting from the selection criteria above for four racers:

If the first user entered they are a runner, name of Jim Harkin, aged 42 years old, race type
is Hill, with best personal run time of 55 mins, the output should be as follows (using this

10 Mile City of Derry Run

Runner 1 Details:

Name: Paul Moore

Age: 42 years old

Race Type: Hill

Best Personal Race Time: 55 mins

Designated start zone for this race: Zone B

Runner 2 Details: