Can you correct my answer if it is wrong?

If the partitions are dynamic and a new job arrives requiring 52 blocks of main memory, show memory after using each of the following partition selection approaches

The initial state of memory is:

Operating System
Process 1
Empty 60 blocks
Process 2
Process 3
Empty 52 blocks
Empty 100 blocks

My answer:

First fit:
Operating system
Process 1
New 52 block process
Process 2
Process 3
Empty 8 blocks
Empty 52 blocks
Empty 100 blocks

Best fit:
Operating system
Process 1
Process 2
Process 3
New 52 block process
Empty 60 blocks
Empty 100 blocks

Worst fit:
Operating system
Process 1
Process 2
Process 3
New 52 block process
Empty 52 blocks
Empty 60 blocks
Empty 48 blocks