I have some problem with creating runnable JAR file in Eclipse. I made a class which use JMF library and I added this library in Eclipse (Build Path -> Configure Build Path -> Libraries -> Add External JARs -> and I pointed out locations of the required libraries (JMF.jar). When I compile and run my application in Eclipse everything is working properly and my problems start when I want to make a JAR file.

I was searching in internet and couldn't find the solution of my probleme.

I create a JAR file following by this steps: Export -> Runnable JAR file. The JAR is created but when I double click on it to opent it there is nothing happens. I tried to run it of the console (java -jar MYJARFILE.jar) and I get the following message:
Exception in thread "main" java.util.NoSuchElementException
        at java.util.Vector.firstElement(Unknown Source)
        at VideoTransmisja.<init>(VideoTransmisja.java:62)
        at VideoTransmisja.main(VideoTransmisja.java:349)

It seams to be a problem with using JMF library.

Next I tried to create by: Export -> JAR file in two ways "generate the manifest file" and "use existing manifest from workspace" and the problem was the same :/

my manifest file:
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Class-Path: jmf.jar
Main-Class: VideoTransmisja

Could someone help me please? I was trying to solve this probleme whole day

I don't know if I correclty create my manifest file and if I could add jar library to creating jar file?