Hello, the thing is I found myself in the need for a whirlpool hash(don't ask why).

The only place I could find it was the one from GNU.

To get to the point, this is the code:
Whirlpool wp = new Whirlpool();
				String s = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog";
				byte[] b = s.getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8"));
				byte[] r = wp.digest();
				String str = new String(r,Charset.forName("UTF-8"));

And I was hoping for a nice whirlpool hash but got this instead:
????n?g?Tl??H?po???????	m?
5?F ??

If you need any additional information(I think I posted all that's needed) just ask me, I'm the one that needs help.

Note: do not suggest other algorithms. It's not a security issue. The data which will be used is Whirlpool hashed and I can't loose the data.(Unless, there's a way to unhash whirlpool..)